Taliban not original--Moses 1st

by patio34 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julie

    Greetings to all,

    With the eight aid workers/Christianity promoters imprisoned in Afghanistan being more and more in the news I gotta wonder. I mean after knowing for a few years now what terror the people of Afghanistan have been living with, and they are Muslims, I can't help but come up with only two possible ideas. Either these eight people have a serious desire to be martyrs or they are an incredibly special kind of stupid. Terrifying as this ordeal must be for them I cannot imagine what other outcome they may have expected. Of course there is the possiblity that, like Philip of Spain with his embarrassing failure of an Armada (which he put his hope for into God's hands instead of an actual strategy), that maybe these folks made the same, oft repeated mistake. Sad.

    :It seems things have come full circle, because in the law of Moses if someone came to you talking about another god besides Jehovah, even your 'wife lying in your bosom,' you were to report them. The punishment was death.

    Isn't it amazing how all those believers who Know The Bible do not see the irony in this? Hard to believe anyone could consider a book with such barbaric, assinine rules to be "holy".

    Good post.

    Take care all--

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Everyone,
    Don't just quack away at what you think are the comparisons, cite specific examples of Taliban acts and the Law Covenant. While you're at it, bring in the actual Judges rulings from apocryphal writings of Judaism......
    My point? You are again making accusations using gereralizations probably gleaned from atheist web sites, which consistently ignore the context of Old Testament times vs modern 'civilized' rules of law.
    The Koran itself is a corrupted version of corrupted Arabian Kingdom law, which was a corruption of Hebrew law!

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi TJ,
    The Law Covenant applies to the dispensation period of that time. It is not part of the church age. You are comparing apples and oranges. If Christians (and Jews) are so terrible, why do you not see US advocating a return to Old Testament law?
    BTW, how in the world would you know what a nation in barbaric times required in order to survive as a nation? Some of these laws were practiced used as a 'threat' to keep people from practicing things harmful to the very core of their nation's existence.
    Veneral diseases (like AIDS, hepatitus today) were FATAL and the only way to prevent their spread was for women to stay with ONE MAN. As usual you have absolutely no evidence as to how these laws were enforced or judged by competent judges, do you?
    I guess ex-jw are just as bad as jw with ignoring or even understanding CONTEXT, eh TJ?

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    With all of this whining about Christians and Muslims being the same I wonder why:

    Muslims have to force their adherents NOT TO CONVERT under threat of death, yet Christians need no such threat to reamin Christians? In fact, Christianity spreads even more, the more you try to stamp it out!
    Christians support the idea of free nations; Muslims support their own version of 'theocracy'; Atheist Communists also do not support the idea of freedom.

    Christianity was thriving (underground) in the old USSR, as it does in China!

    It seems to me that Atheists and Muslims lay in the same bed regarding freedom!

  • teejay

    Hello, Rex,

    The Law Covenant applies to the dispensation period of that time. It is not part of the church age. You are comparing apples and oranges.

    Actually, I didn't mean to compare, only to show that the Taliban (also NOT part of the church age), with the recent televised execution of a woman accused of adultery, is not far in practice from ancient, Yahweh ordained, Israel.

    If Christians (and Jews) are so terrible, why do you not see US advocating a return to Old Testament law?

    Uh, I don't understand your question. The way it reads, because Christians (and Jews) ARE terrible and therefore the U.S. is NOT advocating a return to the OT. Would you like to rephrase?

    BTW, how in the world would you know what a nation in barbaric times required in order to survive as a nation? Some of these laws were practiced used as a 'threat' to keep people from practicing things harmful to the very core of their nation's existence.

    The only way I can know what a nation in barbaric times required would be to read what they wrote. Like, the bible?

    Veneral diseases (like AIDS, hepatitus today) were FATAL and the only way to prevent their spread was for women to stay with ONE MAN. As usual you have absolutely no evidence as to how these laws were enforced or judged by competent judges, do you?

    That is correct, sir. Only that, if I'm not mistaken, stoning was popular and burning was acceptable also, according to one of the passages above. Since they didn't have guns, a quick shot to the back of the skull to the kneeling woman wasn't an alternative method of execution. I bet the offending parties were just as dead, however. Considering the time frame, I'd prefer the pistol to stoning... more "merciful", yes?

    Btw, by mentioning stds, are you suggesting that is the motivation behind the Taliban's actions?

    I guess ex-jw are just as bad as jw with ignoring or even understanding CONTEXT, eh TJ?

    Since I "ignore" context, perhaps you will tell me its relevance.


    You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free, but first it is going to make you incredibly miserable.
    -- Brenda Clark
  • JT

    You just got to love the kind of MINSET behind a person like


    you just got to love it

    He tries at least i got to give it to him


  • Julie

    Rex, my love,

    You said:

    :If Christians (and Jews) are so terrible, why do you not see US advocating a return to Old Testament law?

    Well I can give you an answer for this. See, history tells us this has been tried before. Remember the Crusades? Where the valiant knights of Christendom went to slay the heathen and recapture the holy land? Well where in the heck do you think they found the justification for that? It wasn't in the NT, no siree. That leaves the OT. And inasmuch as one could consider the era where the Crusades took place to be "barbaric times" I am sure all will agree they were still more enlightened times than OT times.

    No Rex, we have seen Christendom try to implement some of the OT ways and it was a mistake. Unfortunately, though it is admitted by most believers that the things the OT condones are much too barbaric to be of any use in these "civilized" times, it is still not admitted by those same believers that the OT is one long tale of barbarism.

    I guess I'll never fully understand the intricate dance that goes on in your head my dearly beloved.


  • JT

    juLIE SAYS

    I guess I'll never fully understand the intricate dance that goes on in your head my dearly beloved


    IF YOU were a jw then you really do understand rex- you may have just never given it much thought

    anytime a person feel or believes that he or she is on a direct commission FROM GOD HIMSELF you have a problem person on your hands at that point

    whether jw or any other faith- when a believer firmly and sincerely believes that God has whispered into their ear information that you must know and they are the ones with it- you will have problems on your hands

    belief systems have always attempted to address mans most basic needs

    THE NEED FOR SOME TYPE OF HOPE and whether the hope is real or not many folks just want A HOPE - as one man told me SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING

    so WHEN i see folks like rex post it just reminds me of all the day as a jw we spent in the cold rain, snow trying to sell our belief system to folks we felt were lost with out it

    and the same with rex- he feels for those who don't share his belief systme their life is void of purpose they lack something in their life and the list goes on and on-

    while in fact many of us have no problem with him beleiving anything he wants- THE MOON IS GREEN - if it gets him thru his day fine, but that doesn't mean that now i want what he has or need it-

    but after doing so much reading on belief systems around the world it all comes down to a few simple things- they are share the same core dogma and then they go off into thier own little FUNKY DOGMAS that makes each one different from the other-

    just a thought


  • Julie

    Hi James--

    Well then that explains it. I never was a JW. Thought their story didn't quite work when I studied with them. Fortunate, eh?

    I enjoy your posts and still think of you as "1".

    Take care,

  • teejay

    I know you understand Rex as well as I do, James.

    I remember the peace of mind that came with having all the answers, being one of the lucky... er, I mean blessed, ones to have found the people god was using to do his will. To read the very pronouncements of god's very own mouthpiece. I lived that way for a long time. I think I know the way Rex thinks. I got no problem with Rex.

    It's all good.


    I never was a JW.

    That's too bad... you don't know what you missed!!


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