The Path Not Taken

by choosing life 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    There comes a time when you realize that there are paths you can no longer go down. At first, it is hard to tell whether the path changes or you change. But the farther along the new path you travel, the more you find that it is really you, yourself that has changed. You could no more go back to the other path in your life than you could return to being a child.

    I think some people call these epiphanies, spiritual awakenings or just plain wisdom drawn from personal experience. Maybe you just outgrow your old thinking processes. I don't know. Maybe you truly do wake up in a sense to something that has always been waiting inside each of us. Call it wisdom, spirituallity or just an evolution of the thinking processes in your brain. It doesn't matter. The important thing is you have changed and you are slowly awakening to your new reality.

    When you first leave the witnesses, there is a barrage of questions that seem so important. You still think, to a certain extent, as you have been programmed. But, once you break free mentally, you know instinctively, that you can not return. Your body can be relagated to going through the actions, but your mind and spirit can no longer be contained. It has been set free from a very narrow view of life. The possibilities of life are atrractive now and no longer to be feared.

    This is a beautiful place to be. Whatever else that goes on in my life, I have a certain acceptance and peace. If only I can stay here.

  • Satanus

    To see truths finally, after supressing them for yrs. To accept reality without blinders or rose colored glasses. So cool.


  • JamesThomas

    Nice post, CL.

    Perhaps, a lot has to do with the fact that as a Witness we extract much of our identity out of the Bible or other written interpritations of it. In this process we subtract significance from the present moment of life and reality, and confine and bastardize it to words, beliefs and thoughts. Often, when we leave the Witnesses we are afraid and so take the same book and two dimensional identity along with us (what would we be without our little deity?). Sometimes though, we come to notice that there is a reality outside the book; something far more vibrant and real. Then, it's as if we are set free....because we are.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    choosing life,

    nice write up. i agree, it's impossible to go back, in an authentic sense. but i think that the lesson of apostacy is one of the greatest lessons a person could learn, and not just in a religious/spiritual sense. there's a rebirth in the process, regardless of what our worldviews turn out to be. some of us go farther than others, but such is also the case with humans in general.

    if you feel peace now, from acceptance, then you are on a true path imo. if such is the case, then peace should get stronger and stronger. enjoy! :)


  • anewme

    Choosing Life, you and I are on the same wave length today! I dare say many are!

    I learned a lot on JWD today. I learned that most of my beliefs are due to programming.
    It is only by exposing ourselves to new thoughts, even though irreverent at first, that we can grow beyond our early programming by parents, teachers and religion and society.

    History is a good teacher. And there are enlightened wise individuals we can listen to. If we are not vigilant to make sure our thinking is free of propaganda we will merely spin around and think we are making


  • anewme

    I also agree..........this is a beautiful place to be!

    I assume you mean LIFE!!!!

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
  • prophecor
    only by exposing ourselves to new thoughts, even though irreverent at first, that we can grow.......

    That's really how most offshoots or seperations from other beliefs and denominations got thier start. We are viewed, as they were, and no doubt many branded, Apostate. Martin Luther was probably one of the most notable apostates in recent history, it, however didn't stop him from questioning the authorities of his day, and demanded a better way, a different answer than the status quo of his time.

    It's a wonderful journey as many of the trappings of our past belief systems go washing down the drain of insignifigance. Our paths take on a different life form. We are never allowed to be the same anymore. Mostly to our betterment.

  • wanderlustguy

    The thing that brings to mind is, what would we be like if we had stayed "in" so long that we were no longer in conflict with any part of it.


  • prophecor

    There's no reference for a youtube, but this song by Crowded House paints it in a very interesting light. Excellent by the way if you ever find it to download or whatever.

    Never Be the Same (Neil Finn)


    don't stand around like friends at a funeral
    eyes to the ground
    it could have been you
    why do you weep
    for the passing of ages
    you slip with the back of your hand
    you're taking it out on the one you love
    I couldn't believe it
    but we might still survive
    and rise up through the maze
    if you could change your life
    and never be the same

    how long must I wait
    for you to release me
    I pay for each mistake
    while you suffer in silence
    I could still have an easy life
    but the life ain't worth living
    once more will i hear you say

    we might still survive
    and rise up through the maze
    if you could change your life
    and never be the same

    don't stand around
    like friends at a funeral
    eyes to the ground
    don't suffer in silence

    'cause we might still survive
    and rise up through the maze
    if you could change your life
    and never be the same
    everytime I hear you
    never be the same
    and everytime I mess up
    never be the same

    From the album Temple of Low Men

    Chords & Tab for this song

    Lyrics Copyright © 1998 Roundhead Music (BMI).

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