There comes a time when you realize that there are paths you can no longer go down. At first, it is hard to tell whether the path changes or you change. But the farther along the new path you travel, the more you find that it is really you, yourself that has changed. You could no more go back to the other path in your life than you could return to being a child.
I think some people call these epiphanies, spiritual awakenings or just plain wisdom drawn from personal experience. Maybe you just outgrow your old thinking processes. I don't know. Maybe you truly do wake up in a sense to something that has always been waiting inside each of us. Call it wisdom, spirituallity or just an evolution of the thinking processes in your brain. It doesn't matter. The important thing is you have changed and you are slowly awakening to your new reality.
When you first leave the witnesses, there is a barrage of questions that seem so important. You still think, to a certain extent, as you have been programmed. But, once you break free mentally, you know instinctively, that you can not return. Your body can be relagated to going through the actions, but your mind and spirit can no longer be contained. It has been set free from a very narrow view of life. The possibilities of life are atrractive now and no longer to be feared.
This is a beautiful place to be. Whatever else that goes on in my life, I have a certain acceptance and peace. If only I can stay here.