I drove by the Kingdom Hall tonight and saw only 12 cars parked in the lot. Five years ago there would have been at least 30.
A shrinking Congregation
by DevonMcBride 10 Replies latest jw friends
I drove by my Kingdom Hall and this is what I saw.
: I drove by the Kingdom Hall tonight and saw only 12 cars parked in the lot. Five years ago there would have been at least 30.
That leaves 12 braindead morons and 18 other people (the majority) who were smart enough to figure out the Watchtower leaders are a bunch of cynical liars and they decided to go the the beach, instead!
Good for them!
Not to burst anyone's bubble, but it is a tuesday night, so perhaps it was a bookstudy group there only....
Not to burst anyone's bubble, but it is a tuesday night, so perhaps it was a bookstudy group there only....
Yes, it was a bookstudy group but that same BS group garnered more than double the amount of cars 5 years ago. This particular congregation has had its share of problems that included disputes between families and at least one member being jailed for theft.
Wasanelder Once
I hadn't really thought of it but BS group is a pretty accurate name for that meeting.
Our book study groups are rather small. If I recall well, we were about 15 at the book study, so about 4 or 5 cars.
I wish it was where my wife goes.
I would imagine that it depends on the area of the U.S. or other country you are in but here my area of the U.S. the young ones are leaving in droves...not getting baptized, getting df or just simply moving to a cheaper area and disappearing off the JW radar.
The other english congregation that meets with us in the same hall is suffering severely, their TMS and Service meeting looks like a bookstudy. From what old timers in my cong say before the 2 split about 20 yrs ago the attendance used to be over 150 every single meeting and some sundays almost 200. Watchtower's waters are drying up particularly in the english speaking field here in the U.S.