In the years that I've taken part in various web discussion groups, from time to time I've come across people that I can only describe as "cyberpaths". "Trolls" is of course another term for them, although I don't believe all trolls are necessarily people with personality disorders. Here are some features I would look for in determining whether a poster is a cyberpath.
1. They don't seem to post very often unless they see an opening for personal attack.
2. They may side with the apparent majority view on a subject because it gives them more confidence (i.e gang mentality).
3. They don't appear to be interested in debating relevant points.
4. They ingage in inflammatory remarks - the cheapest shots being those which question other person's sanity/intellect.
5. They may target 'newbies' in the hope that these will be easy targets (i.e. bully mentality).
If you think you may be the target of a cyberpath, my advice to you is this.
1. Don't be drawn into an argument with the person. They are naturally pugnacious and will thrive on your interaction with them.
2. Do not refer to them by name. This denies them the personal acknowledgement they crave.
3. Ignore them. I know this may be hard, particularly if they taunt you for it, but you must not allow yourself to be manipulated.
4. If it really bothers you, raise the matter with one of the moderators.
I should add a note of caution here. It may be that the person is simply in a bad (or mischievous) mood, or something you posted hit a raw nerve, so do not be hasty in labelling someone a cyberpath. Eventually their true nature will be revealed. However, you have the right to refuse communication with anyone.
I welcome any other comments and advice - but not from any cyberpaths, thank you!