9/11 Pentagon video released, shows explosion and no plane

by What-A-Coincidence 75 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Jourles
    It is clearly seen as it strikes the ground. The next frame shows the explosion.

    As I said before, if it is so clearly visible, why are there so many arguments debating if it is a plane or a missile? All the video shows is the nose of a white object. It is not clearly identified.

  • Leolaia

    Jourles is right, the images are too blurry and ambiguous to be of much help. The first video shows something that is probably bigger than a missile (taking the lens' foreshortening of objects into account) but which doesn't quite look like the forward section of an airliner either (motion blur?). The second video shows something that looks very much like a tailfin at 0:26 (which would be inconsistant with a missile) but it has what looks like a smoke trail which doen't fit with the profile of a plane in flight. The lack of contrast in the dark background doesn't help either. BTW, the video does not show the plane hitting the ground; the ground was completely intact in the area shown in the video (the plane, rather, collided with five lamp posts on the roadside and objects on the lawn near the building, see the ASCE report). I think the visualization by Mike Wilson gives the best explanation thus far of the apparent smoke in the video....the starboard engine was possibly damaged by lamp post debris from one of the two poles it struck:


    The physical evidence from the scene (the five knocked-down poles, the structure on the lawn with a wall on the side, the chain-link fence and the generator behind it, the damage to the Pentagon wall, the aircraft debris on the lawn and in the building, passenger remains) otherwise indicate what struck the building.

  • sixsixsixtynine

    What is obvious, is that the government has lied and covered up information that would answer many (as yet) unanswered questions. The Vietman war was preceded by lies and cover up as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_Incident

  • TopHat

    All goverments lie.....and war is war....so what can you do...have any ideas?

    However I don't believe the U.S. distroyed the WTC or the Pentagon or shot down the plane over PA.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    It's not just a theory that they (the Bush administration) took their eye off the ball, it's documented fact. The question is why. It could be purely incompetence, but it could also very easily be a mix of incompetence and bad attitude. The "road map" the administration was consulting from day one (years before 9/11) does include a reference to circumstances requiring a "pearl harbor like" attack if the American public would support said roadmap's use of military force against Iraq. If you don't see that as such a bad thing, you're going to act differently than if you do see it as a bad thing. If your theology makes you believe such things are inevitable, you're going to act differently than if you believe such things are ultimately preventable or can be mitigated (even if you only act indifferently).

    Great, great point Six. Excellent (and scary) analysis of arguably the most incompetent and corrupt administration since Warren G. Harding.

  • badwillie

    JeffT - mental laziness, have you done any research.

    why has no one from the Islamic world ever offered any serious challange to the claim that they did it

    Hijack 'suspects' alive and well


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