This Little Wisconsin Girl Moved to California

by Good Girl or Bad Girl? 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Hey y'all, it's official! OpenFireGlass flew to Wisconsin a few weeks ago and we (mostly he) packed up my stuff and we (both of us!) drove my car across the country. We got home late Monday night. I officially live in northern Cali. This is my second full day here. I think. It's been a blur. It'll be nice to get some sort of routine going!

    Exciting! The weather today is beautiful! I hear it's pretty nice in Wisconsin too though... when we left it had been literally blizzarding for at least a week!

    Anyway, thought y'all might wanna know ...

  • megsmomma

    Wow...what a move! I love moving though. It is so fun to get new things to do and see...and fun for OFG to show them to you. I wish you the best!!!!

    I will be moving soon too...from TX to NC. We couldn't get any further from eachother

    Ps.....Did you ever see my thread about where you "predict" someone's life will be in 5-7 years? It was funny to see Richie-Rich "predict" this for you!!

  • Dismembered

    Congrtas GG/BG,

    godspeed to you!


  • love2Bworldly

    Welcome to your new home! I've always lived in Northern California, so I don't know any different.

  • free2think

    Hey congrats GGBG. Are you far from the beach? I'm very jealous.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Hey thanks, everybody!

    free2think: I am about five minutes to the closest beach by car, 20 minutes by bicycle, and 45 minutes to an hour on foot.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    megsmomma: yes, I saw your thread. LOL. Lil Richie mighta had a heads up on that "prediction." I don't know about dreadhead kiddies though - not for a while!!

  • Kudra


    Congrats to the both of you!

    I lived in Arcata for 3 1/2 years while going to school- it is SO beautiful there! I grew up in Mendocino County before that, also a beautiful place- you should get down there too for a visit- redwoods and also wine country...

    You will have so much fun- you guys are so lovey!


  • free2think
    I am about five minutes to the closest beach by car, 20 minutes by bicycle, and 45 minutes to an hour on foot.

    When can I come and stay?

    That's so cool, you lucky thing.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    I am about five minutes to the closest beach by car, 20 minutes by bicycle, and 45 minutes to an hour on foot.

    When can I come and stay?

    That's so cool, you lucky thing.

    Anytime, free2think.


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