If most people are anti or ex jw why bother if you dont believe in it why waste your time writing mean hurtful and prejudges posts and set up a entire web site and forum dedicated to them.
Ya know this is really an intersting thought. The reason why many come here to bitch and complain and just vent...
Being a jw is not just a religion, it is truly a cultural experience. It is a way of life, that unless you have lived and experienced it yourself, you are just not going to understand it's impact on your interaction with the rest of society and the way you think of the future.
Try to imagine yourself going through school and your childhood Not doing Anything that other "normal" kids do. Normal itself is subjective, but I think you understand what I am saying. You are Not allowed to make friends with kids in the "world" because they are bad and kids in the congregation are "good". You are Not allowed to participate in Any after school functions, because these are events where "bad" things can happen. As you get nearer to graduating from highschool, while all of your schoolmates are preparing for college entrance exams, you are planning on spending the rest of your life pioneering and preparing for Armageddon, which is imminent. So, at a young age you do not think of retirement, you may not even think of having a family. Years go by and you are still pioneering, struggling to make ends meet and you cannot get a decent enough job to really make things work. BUT you believe that as long as you are doing this for God, Jehovah God, you will be rewarded in the end for all your hard work.
UNTIL one day when wouldn't ya know, you are researching the jw's through their OWN publications and words and realize that they have been hiding an awful lot. You go to the elders to ask questions and they try you for apostasy and well, you are now either marked or disfellowshipped.
At this point, EVERYTHING you have lived your life for means NOTHING. You are ALONE in this WORLD you are completely unprepared for. You go back to school, you have to try to make New friends and New family.
IF you were married, it is likely that the tension between you and your spouse could eventually lead you to a divorce. This person that you love so much! Then there are any children you have had. If they are old enough to really understand what has happened, possibly adults, your CHILDREN that you have nurtured all those years, will have nothing or as little to do with you as possible. Further, what you want for your family is for them to see the lies and the deceptions that you have seen, but the Organization has told them that you will poison their thinking and so they should not talk to you.
Until you have been through this (or worse as in many of the cases here) I really don't know (because I am not on the other side of this) if you can really understand.
BUT I am going to trust that you are an empathatic human being who knows that this is inhumane and cruel punishment.
When people come here to vent and talk and whatnot, they are hurt, they are angry. The Organization puts people in emotionally vulnerable positions so that they will either not leave to begin with or once they are expelled from the congregation, they will be so desperate for the love from their family and friends, so desperate for the life they had, they will return. Many, I believe, do Not return to this religion out of true love for God, they return out of sad desperation for the warmth of their loved ones.
Welcome to the board, I REALLY hope you stick around and just read the experiences of people. If you want to know more about a poster you do not understand, you might click on thier profile and look at their topic and post history to get a better understanding for why you are perceiving so much hostility. Just a suggestion.