Can anyone give me any latest info on how df or da persons are to be treated.
This is urgent.
by anglise 17 Replies latest jw friends
Can anyone give me any latest info on how df or da persons are to be treated.
This is urgent.
To be treated this way
No socialising with
No speaking with about spiritual matters
A bad associate,person to be avoided.
Only to speak with if a relative, but only minimal contact.
In my experience, and I da'd only last November, shunning is still very much practised. I have no contact with anyone in the congregation, all have chosen, or been directed rather, to treat me as though I were dead. So unChristian. I do not believe there is any change in this practice, no 'latest information', no softening or compromise at all. Incidentally I have also had no follow up visits from elders to see if I have had a change of heart.
From all accounts this is still the same for df persons, no contact so as to keep the congregation clean. I believe that association with da'd or df'd ones is in itself a disfellowshipping 'offence'.
Wicked is'nt it, so cruel. Glad to be out of it all.
Are you having problems anglise, anything we can do to help?
Thanks for your replies so far.
We have a family situation where we need current quotes from wtbts literature on how to treat ones who are da or df.
JW family are saying to the court that the JW's no longer teach "in a negative way" about non-jw parents or xjw's.
So what I am really looking for is current quotes if anyone can help.
Lots of thanks.
Hi Individualswife,
I have emailed you.
Hope you dont mind
I think that although some recent literature tries to make out that no one is shunned (and the web site even claims this) it is really just so they have something to quote to authorities to keep themselves out of trouble.
In reality, the local congregation members are instructed not to even talk to people.
I know... apparently, I'm the 'anti-christ' (checking head for tattoed numbers now)
WT 4/15/91 This indicates the ONLY contact JW may have with disfellowshipped ones...notice it is NO MORE THAN ONCE A YEAR and by 2 elders.
13 In recent times there have been cases in which an elder happened to meet a disfellowshipped person. Where appropriate, the shepherd briefly outlined the steps to be taken for reinstatement. Some persons like this repented and were reinstated. Such joyful outcomes indicate that there may be disfellowshipped or disassociated ones who would respond to a merciful approach made by the shepherds. But how might the elders handle this matter? Once a year at most, the body of elders should consider whether there are such persons living in their territory. The elders would focus on those who have been expelled for over a year. According to the circumstances, if it is appropriate, they would assign two elders (hopefully ones familiar with the situation) to visit such an individual. No visit would be made on any who evidence a critical, dangerous attitude or who have made it known that they want no help.-Romans 16:17, 18; 1 Timothy 1:20; 2 Timothy 2:16-18.
Also please notice the types of individuals NOT to be called upong. Who decides what is critical or belligerent or apostat? THE ELDERS. And they can decide that ANYTIME...and the disfellowshipped person not even know.
10 Former friends and relatives might hope that a disfellowshipped one would return; yet out of respect for the command at 1 Corinthians 5:11, they do not associate with an expelled person. They leave it to the appointed shepherds to take the initiative to see if such a one is interested in returning.
As far as respecting the disfellowshipping regardless of the reason.
WT 3/1/98
11 We can demonstrate our appreciation for the "gifts in men" by being quick to heed their Bible-based counsel and decisions. The Bible advises us: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you." (Hebrews 13:17) Notice that we must not only "be obedient" but also "be submissive" to those taking the lead. The Greek word for "be submissive" literally means "be you yielding under." Commenting on the expressions "be obedient" and "be submissive," Bible scholar R. C. H. Lenski says: "One obeys when one agrees with what he is told to do, is persuaded of its correctness and profitableness; one yields . . . when he has a contrary opinion." When we understand and agree with the direction of those taking the lead, obedience may come readily. But what if we do not understand the reason behind a particular decision?
12 Here is where we may need to be submissive, or yielding. Why? For one thing, we need to trust that these spiritually qualified men have our best interests at heart. After all, they well know that they must render an account to Jehovah for the sheep committed to their care. (James 3:1) In addition, we do well to remember that we may not know all the confidential facts that led them to an informed decision.-Proverbs 18:13.
13 What about being submissive when it comes to judicial decisions? Granted, this may not be easy, especially if a decision is made to disfellowship someone we love-a relative or a close friend. Here again, it is best to yield to the judgment of the "gifts in men." They are in a position to be more objective than we can be, and they may know more of the facts. These brothers often agonize over such decisions; it is a sobering responsibility to 'judge for Jehovah.' (2 Chronicles 19:6) They make every effort to be merciful, for they are mindful that God is "ready to forgive." (Psalm 86:5) But they must also keep the congregation clean, and the Bible directs that they disfellowship unrepentant wrongdoers. (1 Corinthians 5:11-13) In many cases the wrongdoer himself accepts the decision. The discipline may be just what he needs to come to his senses. If we, his loved ones, are submissive when it comes to the decision, we may thereby be helping him to benefit from the discipline.-Hebrews 12:11.
So if someone is disfellowshipped for being a rape/molestation survivor, or for reporting a crime to authorities, or for committing a crime YOU know the person is innocent still must be in subjection/submission or you too can be disfellowshipped...and it has happened.
Read this excerpt last Sunday's interview with Bill Bowen and Meria Heller...just this past September 30th 2001...
(Bill)"....And according to the November 1995 Watchtower which clearly states if there’re not two witnesses to the fact then the person, the pedophile will be considered an innocent man. So they turn to the child and they say “Do you have two witneses? “ The child says “No”. They then turn to the child molester and say “Did you do it?” and of course 99% of the time the child molester will say “No.” Right? Then they turn back to the child and they say “Well you don’t have two witnesses; he’s an innocent man”. So you have to go to church with him, if he’s an elder, he remains an elder, he stays up upon the stage, he has all his privileges and you have to be quiet because if you say anything against him you are guilty of slander which could be a disfellowshipping offense which means you could be shunned from the congregation.”
Meria: Kicked out, in other words you’d get kicked out. So these children meanwhile end up becoming a double victim .
Bill: That’s right. You become a Silent Lamb. You become someone no one in the church will acknowlege or even speak to, not even your own parents.. ."
my email is open if I can be of further assistance. It would help to know what State this is in.
Best wishes!!! much dung, so little time...
Simon is right...their website is full of statments that can be disproved from their own literature. much dung, so little time...
Try this link from Freeminds for a look at the Society's booklet "Preparing for Child Custody Cases". Using their own publication you can show the judge how Witnesses deliberately try to spin things to appear different than they really are. [url][/url]
I've been df'd for 24 years and the shunning is still going strong. You'd think they'd get over it by now.