Okay this is just a short little observation. The JW’s often point to WWI as a sign that the last days had started in October of 1914 when Christ was supposedly enthroned as King in heaven and begun his Parousia (or his presence as they’d lead one to believe). Now the political unrest that led up to WWI had already been brewing for a while but it wasn’t until 28 th of June 1914, Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb student, shot and killed the Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand. This even is known as the “shot heard round the world” bacuase it was the offical “last straw” that triggered the war. Now if Satan and his minions weren’t cast down from heaven until october when christ was supposedly enthroned then doesn’t that mean that the war was purely a product of mankind and not of any sort of esoteric demonic intervention as the witnesses seem to apply. Maybe I got my facts wrong or something but yeah…..
by thebiggestlie 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
and this doesn't even take into account 1874...hehe maybe old russel was right....*runs off and joins a bible student ekklesia*
Yes you are right. Infact it could be said that WWI started before 1914. The future before 1914 was not as bright as the jws make it seem.
Now the political unrest that led up to WWI had already been brewing for a while but it wasn’t until 28 th of June 1914, Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb student, shot and killed the Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand.
You dont really think one man was so popular to have set off a world war do you?
The dubs say satan instigated wwi in june in an effort to draw attention away from the birth of the kingdom that was to occur in october.
Thats my point exactly ip_sec.....i mean for real i just picked that event to even try to be objective and show that even at the LATEST date that could be used to show when the war started the JWs still have no say in the matter....
The dubs say satan instigated wwi in june in an effort to draw attention away from the birth of the kingdom that was to occur in october.
lol thats funny, old man satan must have known his downfall was imminent.....you dont happen to have a reference for that do ya....
tbl, You might like this quote:
.... the daily papers and the weeklies and monthlies, religious and secular, are continually discussing the prospects of war in Europe. They note the grievances and ambitions of the various nations and predict that war is inevitable at no distant day, that it may begin at any moment between some of the great powers, and that the prospects are that it will eventually involve them all.... We do not think that the prospects of a general European war are so marked as is commonly supposed. True, all Europe is like a great powder magazine which a single stray match might set off at any moment with a tremendous explosion. The various nations are armed to the teeth with the most destructive weapons that skill and ingenuity can invent, and there are national grievances and bickerings and hatred that must find a vent some time; and in consideration of these things the war cloud is always impending and ever darkening: but things may continue just so for many years, and we think they will.... Even should a war or revolution break out in Europe sooner than 1905, we could not consider it any portion of the severe trouble predicted. At most it could be a forerunner of it, a mere 'skirmish' as compared with what is to come.
The date of the close of that "battle" is definitely marked in Scripture as October, 1914. It is already in progress, its beginning dating from October, 1874. Thus far it has been chiefly a battle of words and a time of organizing forces.... Never was there such a general time of banding together as at present. Not only are nations allying with each other for protection against other nations, but the various factions in every nation are organizing to protect their several interests. [Zion's Watch Tower, January 15, 1892, pp. 19-23]Yep, Russell said that 1914 wouldn't be a war in Europe.
man this is just sillyness....i think people could develop eschatologies on Tokien's books if they searched hard enough...seriously it all makes me sick because people i love believe garbage like this.
Russell was as much a prophet as Mick Jagger, when he penned 'Sympathy for the Devil.'
The inspiration for this hellish detour came from Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, which depicts Satan having his way in 1930s Moscow.
You dont really think one man was so popular to have set off a world war do you?
Funny I thought it was for the oil too. Why else would britian invade IRAQ during WW 1. The turks could gave a dam about frans or any christian.