Simple Logic Flaws Overlooked as to the Millenium Rule of JW Doctrine

by OnTheWayOut 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    When I started a study with JW's, I was always amazed that they had a logical answer to everything.

    Here are some simple logic flaws that I wish I caught before baptism. You probably have many more.

    First, their own bible says:

    (Revelation 20:4-6) 4 And I saw thrones, and there were those who sat down on them, and power of judging was given them. Yes, I saw the souls of those executed with the ax for the witness they bore to Jesus and for speaking about God, and those who had worshiped neither the wild beast nor its image and who had not received the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand. And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years.

    Starting in 1919, the anointed were resurrected to rule with Christ for 1000 years, but the 1000-year reign didn't start yet.
    (This 1000-year reign will be referred to as the Millenium Rule) It is supposed to be 1000 years of peace in all creation.
    Peace hasn't started yet.

    The Millenium Rule is literal, but "the rest of the dead" come to life during the Millenium Rule, not at the end of it, because
    this point is SYMBOLIC of their state of imperfection until the 1000 years is over.

    The resurrection- "The rest of the dead" are created by God in an imperfect condition. God deliberately creates defective
    people, who will gradually gain perfection as the Millenium Rule comes to a finish.

    The REAL LIFE is the perfect life to be had at the end of the Millenium Rule. That is how people not in the anointed
    "come to life" when the 1000 years are ended.

    The WTS and it's rank and file are dissappointed that this Millenium Rule has not arrived yet. They are dissappointed that
    the slaughter of billions of people, before this time of peace, hasn't arrived yet.

    The nations will all be destroyed, yet these following scriptures will be fulfilled with the Millenium Rule:

    (Isaiah 2:3-4) And he will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.

    (Psalm 72:11) And to him all the kings will prostrate themselves; All the nations, for their part, will serve him.

    The great crowd (numbering into the millions) who survive the great slaughter of billions of people, will put complete trust
    in the God who did the slaughtering. They will teach the resurrected (imperfect) ones to have that same trust, so that they
    can have the "real life."

    All of the people alive during this Millenium Rule CANNOT count on everlasting life, because the angels who sinned will be
    allowed to test/attack them. JW's assume that, in perfection, they will probably pass the test and remain faithful during the
    attack, but 2 out of the 3 perfect humans in history have failed the test/attack previously, and angels who knew God, personally,
    did not remain perfect and faithful.

  • Zico

    You may have known this, but thought I'd post it anyway.

    Last Sunday, I was at the meeting to listen to the CO's talk. He discussed Psalm 72, and used it to refer to the worldwide peace we'll have during the 1000 years and in Paradise. However, whilst quoting these scriptures, I noticed a very important little phrase right at the beginning of the Psalm. 'Regarding Solomon' David is talking (singing!) to Jehovah, about Solomon. This isn't about a future millenial reign, it's about peace in Solomon's time. This is obvious, when you read it in context, but it's another scripture that the Society takes out of context, and it seems, nobody notices. Just thought I'd add this point to your good post.
  • AuldSoul


    Good thread. One thing I'd like to mention is the average JW response to such things: "You are using human wisdom."

    Interestingly, they admit that the Governing Body has no direct communication or inspiration from God. Therefore, if the Governing Body is using anything other than human wisdom it only proves what most of us here already know ...

    ... the Governing Body is inhuman. ("inhuman" defined by Merriam Webster Online)


  • blondie

    The WTS also taught that the "ancient worthies" such as Abraham, David, etc., would be resurrected in 1925 in a perfect condition to reign on earth at literal Jerusalem.

  • OnTheWayOut
    The WTS also taught that the "ancient worthies" such as Abraham, David, etc., would be resurrected
    in 1925 in a perfect condition to reign on earth at literal Jerusalem.

    A good example of flawed logic. It can be added to the current light of how people
    are supposed to be resurrected.
    But I wasn't taught that. The things I mention were out in the open, current teachings.

  • VM44

    It is obvious that the Watchtower speakers simply make things up as they please. Anything that sounds good they will say. Particularly in talks, where there usually will be no record of what they have said (unless someone is tape recording!)


  • OnTheWayOut

    And I didn't even get to the logic flaws in the discussion of the animal kingdom.
    Animals were supposedly herbivores before Adam and Eve's sins changed all that.

    (Skip the clear proof that they were not.)

    Even though WTS doesn't really push that teaching anymore this is still their teaching-
    The animals are to return to being herbivores after Man is perfect again. With no
    natural enemies, and no more carnivorous birds to eat the meat of the dead animals-
    there will be a population explosion of live animals, and a lot of digging or bonfires for
    perfect humans to do to get rid of the bodies.

    Right after Armageddon, there will be millions of milk cows out there ready to burst.
    That's because 99.9% of the milk cow farmers will be dead, while the cows are still
    going to be waiting to be milked. JW's will be busy before the resurrection, or they'll
    let cows just die.

  • greendawn

    I like the way they are fiddling with many Revelation verses that don't fit in with their doctrines, the resurrection of the dead after 1 000 years is a figurative and not a literal resurrection. Why isn't the first resurrection also figurative in some way? After all the Bible talks about those that were resurrected from the dead (ie spiritually, figuratively) by accepting the Christ whereas before they were dead in sin.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    good thread, i had jw's over a barrel on rev. 20 dozens of times. i just stand there and ask them . you say you follow the bible? BUT I"m QUOTING it word for word. why are you doing a funky dance now, changing the subject, standing on your head, asking me about the price of tea in China, why I stopped to talk with you ? what do you think. I'm just going to let you get in easy TIME. WHEN i see you peddling DOPE on the street. I'm goin g to make you earn your TIME. wHY are you running away? you are a MINISTER OF JEHOOVER? a foot step follower of christ right? I"M only reading you jah's word. straight out of the NWT. WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM? GUESS THE BIBLE IS TO HARD FOR YOU. ? that's why i called you a IDOL WORSHIPPER. you worship those magazines. you think your going to pull that shit on JESUS on judgement day? i'll pray for your sorry jw ass. the best thing i've learned when any jw bring up a verse, and they ask me to read it. I start at the beginning of the chapter, and go down the list of things they reject in that chapter, or how it's taken out of context. WOW. they get so mad. I love it when they put their hands over their EARS. as I'm reading the verses in context. it's a site to see. and it happens all the time. you come out with a bible and they PANIC. I WONDER WHY? JOHN jw's just love rev 20;10 how the false prophet will tormented in the lake of fire for ever and ever. did i mention any WTS false prophices??????? hahahahhahahahahahaa

  • done4good

    And I didn't even get to the logic flaws in the discussion of the animal kingdom.
    Animals were supposedly herbivores before Adam and Eve's sins changed all that.

    I might be mistaken on this, but, just for clarity, I always thought the WT taught that it was at the time of the flood that animals became carnivors. Either way, it's dead wrong, and one of those things I always questioned when I was a dub.


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