and those who go with... the greatest of love and peace to you!
Very soon now, we will again have opportunity to publicly declare our sonship, (re)ratify our covenant with God, and eat from the Tree of Life! From the founding of the world, there have been those whose aim is to persuade us from it, either through lies or through exploitation of our own imperfections. We know this; it is not “hidden” from us. Yet, even today, some of us refuse to live in the Truth: the truth that we are indeed sons of God, born of spirit vs. flesh, which spirit has been granted us by our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Holy One of Israel, Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH… of Armies. Why this refusal? Fear, dear ones, pure and simple. Firstly, fear of rejection. Fear of ostracism. Fear of being thought “different,” even crazy, insane.
But such fear, dearest ones, is truly irrational for a true son of God. How is that? Because God is love. And love casts ALL fear outside. Outside of what? Outside of the Light… and into the darkness. Indeed, it is the Darkness that uses fear against us and others. Think: what is an enemy’s greatest weapon against his foe? Is it not fear? Is that not what bullies use against their victims? Indeed, it is! And so your enemy has taught you such fear.
He has uses other even greater fear against you: fear of judgment… fear of death… fear of eternal destruction!
BUT, dearest ones… if you truly belong to Christ, what is there to fear?! Truly, what can earthling man do to you?! Indeed, if God is FOR you… WHO can be against you!? No one! For ALL authority has been given to our Lord, in heaven AND on earth, so that there is none who can stand against you and prevail! True, our Adversary wages war against us, the remaining seed, yet. But it is only as far as our flesh that he can touch, is it not? What power has he over our SPIRIT? None. Absolutely none. And isn’t it by means of the spirit that the flesh itself, which is of no use at all, lives? Indeed, it is!
But what of eating and drinking “unworthily” or eating and drinking “judgment” against ourselves? Dear ones, surely you know that THOSE IN UNION WITH CHRIST HAVE NO CONDEMNATION! Indeed, it is for this VERY reason that he gave his life: to REDEEM THOSE IN UNION WITH HIM from condemnation and death! And where there is no condemnation, there can have been no judgment!
So, how does one become in union with Christ? It is as you have been taught and our Lord himself is recorded to have said:
“He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood REMAINS IN UNION WITH ME.” John 6:56
That is why some call it “communion,” dear ones: it is a “coming into union” with Christ!
Our Lord is also recorded to have said:
“Unless you remain in union with me YOU CAN DO NOTHING AT ALL!” John 15:7
What things? The things of the SPIRIT… manifested by those who have received the GIFTS of that Spirit! Gifts of knowledge, wisdom, prophesying, speaking in tongues, interpreting tongues, healing, hearing spirits, and more! Without God’s holy spirit, you can do NONE of these things… and without being in union with Christ, you cannot maintain such Spirit!
So many have asked me over the years, “Why not me? I have faith, why hasn’t Christ openly manifested himself to me?” My response, dear ones, would be why have you not openly manifested yourself to HIM? Have YOU obeyed the command to “KEEP DOING THIS IN REMBRANCE OF ME”? Or have you let those who have NO spirit, NO life in themselves tell you that you are not “worthy” of keeping such a commandment? Truly, such ones are the offspring of vipers, poisonous serpents, who “bite” all they come into contact with, and “shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men because they themselves are not going in”!
But you do not need to succumb to their poison; rather, you can do as Israel did when Moses lifted up the copper serpent and told the people to keep their gaze upon it – YOU… can look at the One “raised up” for us, the TRUE Copper Serpent, CHRIST… and keep your gaze on HIM… so as to keep living!
He is the One, dear ones, who has sayings of everlasting life. The One from whose innermost parts streams LIVING water, holy spirit. The True Vine… Sprout!.. and Tree of Life… from whose “leaves” the curing of the nations will come. The One whose flesh is TRUE food…. manna… and whose blood is TRUE drink, living water, holy spirit… which manna and which water WILL PRESERVE YOUR SOULS ALIVE!
By means of the spirit which resides in me, holy spirit, as granted by my Lord and Master, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, I say to you again:
COME… ALL you who are hungering… ALL you who are thirsting… EAT… DRINK… TAKE LIFE’S WATER… and the TRUE MANNA FROM HEAVEN… FREE! It will be placed before you on April 2nd. You need not pass it by, but instead, STAND UP FOR WHO YOU TRULY ARE! MANIFEST YOURSELF BEFORE ALL CREATION! DO NOT REMAIN HIDDEN. For even if you hide, our enemy will still search you out. But if you OPENLY declare that you are a SON… then you will, by means of your UNION with Christ, receive his protection! He, the One to whom ALL authority has been given, in heaven AND on earth… will shield you under HIS wings… and there will be none who can prevail against you.
Thus, may you have ears to hear what the Spirit AND the Bride KEEP saying:
“Come! Take’s life’s water… the gift of holy spirit, which grants everlasting life… FREE!
Thus, as a servant to Israel and all of mankind, and a slave of Christ, a member of his Body, and Son of God, I say to you, my brothers, go, claim your place in the universe and in our Father’s household! It is yours, offered freely. There is no limited number as you have been misled by some to believe. Also, you cannot earn it and you will never be worthy of it. That is why it is a GIFT, one given FREELY, through undeserved kindness… through mercy. Claim it. It is yours… the KINGDOM is yours… if you truly want it. And if you don’t want it… or don’t claim it… it truly wasn’t yours to have. For no one comes to the Father except through the Son, and no one comes to the Son… unless the Father draws that one. Truly.
May you be granted ears to hear and get the sense of it, and the courage to act, if you so wish it.
I bid you peace!
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite,
To the Household of God that is Israel...
by AGuest 30 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks, very well put and also very good application of the scriptures IMO, thanks for the reminder and yes I do partake as the scriptures indicate, that unless you do, you have no life and are no part of me.
Matt 23:13 13 “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. You won’t go in yourselves, and you don’t let others enter either
Nice to see you Shelby.
When a fire-fighter saves your life, they do not need nor require any ritualistic requisite of any kind. Why is it you think that your cherished idea of the Divine is less loving and more limited and conditional than the fire-fighter who saved your ass unconditionally at the risk of his or her own life? Why is the fire-fighter more Christ-like than your JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Holy One of Israel, Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH… of Armies, who needs some form of worship, admiration or ritualistic hoops jumped through before he does anything?
Is it God which is somehow less loving and less moral than the fire-fighter, or is it just your idea of a god which is so painfully small? Why do you continually belittle and reduce the Divine to some thing so diminutive as to require anything from us at all? Is it because you need a conditional god that you may set yourself up as some shining slave and prophetess who is somehow special where others are not?
Doesn't it make more sense that if we are all ONE with God, then that will be realized, no matter what we do, or don't do. No conditions. No strings. No nothing. Now that, is LOVE. But then, this would make you and the Bible readers of the world no more deserving and special than anyone else.
You will get a better understanding of what I am attempting to convey if you focus on what unites us all unconditionally, rather than on what divides us. But it will cost you that special place you think you have in God's eyes. It will cost you your ego.
Now that, is LOVE. But then, this would make you and the Bible readers of the world no more deserving and special than anyone else.
Absolutely, Romans 3:9-17 9 What shall we conclude then? Are we any better [ b ] ? Not at all! We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. 10 As it is written:
"There is no one righteous, not even one; 11 there is no one who understands,
no one who seeks God.
12 All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one." [ c ]
13 "Their throats are open graves;
their tongues practice deceit." [ d ]
"The poison of vipers is on their lips." [ e ]
14 "Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness." [ f ]
15 "Their feet are swift to shed blood;
16 ruin and misery mark their ways,
17 and the way of peace they do not know." [ g ]
18 "There is no fear of God before their eyes." [ h ]abr
Abr, I am not at all coming from the warm dank dungeon of psychological self-flagellation that your beloved Bible provides for you. Quite the antithesis.
Being One with the Divine, we are in reality whole and complete already (just beneath the broken and diseased "self" we believe ourselves to be). There is nothing we need earn. Nothing to do or become. No rituals to perform. No god to appease. No self flagellation required. We just need to silently look past our wounded beliefs, and deeper into the actuality of our most intimate and immediate sense of being and existing.
JT, I appreciate your response and I must admit, I had to look up certain words on Encarta as I am not a very smart man. I hear you but don't completely understand you, probably anymore than you understand me. I agree with certain phrases you state but my mind always goes back to the Bible and I feel and believe that we are required to at least believe in Christ if nothing else. I wish you well my fellow poster
Try explaining that to the vast majority of the dubs who were brainwashed into believing that they are not part of the New Covenent, something that leaves them unable to truly call themselves Christians or perceive God as a Father rather than a Lord.
When a fire-fighter saves your life, they do not need nor require any ritualistic requisite of any kind. Why is it you think that your cherished idea of the Divine is less loving and more limited and conditional than the fire-fighter who saved your ass unconditionally at the risk of his or her own life?
Isis-ra-el more like, look it up sometime!
Abr, you are very kind ; especially considering how I have been hard on you at times. The Bible is not bad, it can be a stepping stone. The problem is that all too often it instead becomes a prison which supports very restrictive and limited idea of the Divine which separates us into the chosen and the damned; and this causes much unnecessary harm and suffering.
I suggest that as time goes on, and if it feels right, you let go of anything and everything the diminished the Divine (our ultimate and foundational significance) in any way, or seems to shrink it to some object or entity far away and separate from our own deepest and vibrant sense of being and existing. What the word G-O-D points to, is always more, and never less; always closer and never farther away. You'll see.