For about 5 years, ive known 2 JW's that i play online computer games with all the time almost everyday. I remember the days I spoke to them about God. I was not christian at that time, but i still read my bible. But they asked me hard questions like Trinity and the holy spirit and all that. From what I understood from the bible about the holy spirit and how Jesus prayed to the father and what jesus promised in his gospels and about sheol and the lake of fire from what I understood was the same understanding the church i started going to had, but my two friends totally canceled from what I understood and they told me to not study alone, and i asked them why and they said because it would lead me to believe in the trinity, to believe that hell is an actual burning place, that the holy spirit is not a force and that i would be believing a false prophet and was basically telling me to visit a nearby kingdom hall to study with Jw's. We stopped talking about God n so forth after the 2nd year i met them on online games. about a month ago when I was suspended from here for giving a conspiracy theory, i was telling them I got suspended from the Jehovahs witness forum and they said "theres no such thing that the only JW site is the But I I didnt want to ruin a good gaming relationship with them and say there is and then show them, so i just didnt show them the site. They have actually been the best friends ive ever had but its like when I found out about all those false prophesies and then shunning people and then being told to speak to them again this year and then stop talking to them that year and then about the blood issue seems like its changing now from what ive seen on the news and what people here have shown, I would use what i know to tell them but why am i afraid to, thats what i dont know. I know their personality even though i met them on the internet, because listening to them for 5 years, i know how they are and how they act, but its as if Im not able to speak to them about anything, there was a time when I asked them, if the holy spirit is a force then why is it able to speak, why is it able to comfort why is it able to do this and that, and boy did they go here, then there, then here, then there non stop as if it was a round house circle and to tell you the truth, some of those scriptures had nothing to do with the holy spirit, some of the scriptures they talked about came from leviticus and i read the NTW and it had nothing in there to do with the holy spirit and it wasnt even in there. They sent me their bible because I requested it and started to read both king james and the NWT. and i had to disagree with the NWT because jesus never announced his prayers to Jehovah God. it was always Abba father. there was times when i always announced my prayers to Jehovah God, but i always felt the same and I was just getting worse and got myself stuck on meth but when i announced jesus in my prayers I started to feel great about things and about my life and what my purpose is and knowing i never chose which one to follow and then I just started going to church when i turned 21 which was a year ago, Im not what you call huge faithful person in Jesus, I barely go to church. But when I announce my prayers to Jesus, i feel much better and im doing better than I was when i was announcing them to jehovah god and im glad im not on meth anymore, and thank the lord for helping me because i would be in rehab right now. But these two friends are my best friends and their good people.
two JW friends of mine and this site.
by Spirit Axal 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Jehovah's Witnesses are like many other religious groups. There good and bad people in it. The sad part of the Watchtower organization is it doesn't allow its members any freedom of choice. JWs are taught that all other religions are part of Satan's organization. One is discouraged from having close association with any unbelievers. And if a member questions any teachings of the Watchtower organization, that member would become suspect and could be in danger of excommunication.
You shouldn't have any difficulty if you maintain a distant relationship through the inter net playing the computer games. But don't anticipate converting them to your faith. JWs become very defensive when talking about doctrinal matters. And unless you have some good foundation in Bible knowledge they can easily overwhelm you with argumentation.
Glad that you are staying away from the drugs. May the Lord bless and keep you. Pahpa
Most JW's aren't bad people. That is why we all have a hard time leaving. They are either raised in it, schmoosed by the love bombing, or just looking to be accepted somewhere, anywhere. The vast majority are nice, good people, they are just misled and slightly brainwashed. The same could be said for terrorists though. To their friends and family they are good people, just misled by an overbearing religion.
Hi SA, and WELCOME to the board! I've also never been a JW.
JWs can be really nice people! One of my best friends is a JW (though her congregation doesn't know it). Their religion generally handicaps unconditional love, however.
It's a great advantage that your friends are online. (My friend isn't. ) Do you still talk any religion with them? Or do they try to involve you in a conversation about "spiritual matters"? My experience is that if they are die-hard JWs, they will try to twist every topic into preaching. Use this to your advantage, in order to help them to research online. Don't try to talk Bible with them at this time; it's usually pointless.
I would suggest asking innocent questions about 607, or other topics that you know would fall down flat if they just did a little research on the issue. You can tell them that you heard about this issue from someone who used to study with JWs, and it raised questions for you. The beauty is, that they will probably research it for you on the web to help you out... and find out that you were right. Be the "honest inquirer", not the preacher, and they will try to answer your questions and not shut you off. When they give a lame answer, let them know that you don't think that's strong enough for changing your mind--maybe they could keep looking, because you haven't found anything yet in the bits you have found.
Very glad!!!! to hear that you have been off meth. I think that's a miracle right there. And finding God responding when you pray to Jesus... sounds like God is trying to tell you something.
Spirit Axal
Thankyou all for the messages, it is also good to be back here to have people to speak to
Spirit Axal
Sorry if double post, having connection problems. Anyway Thank you all for your messages, its also goood to be back to have people to talk to
The JW religous organization is bad, the people in it are not bad. They are misled humans some good some bad.
Ask your friends if they are counting their time talking to you as field service time .
I'm afraid that I must disagree. I've known some really bad people in the organization. This has been particularly true of some elders and overseers. In some cases, they went from caring and compassionate individuals to cruel and unchristian tyrants. One elder I knew seem to get some sort of depraved pleasure of elevating some brothers by recommending them for ministerial servants or elders only to later set them up for a downfall. He often had sisters called before a judicial committee to ask embarrassing question that left them in tears. One of the most common complaints of XJWs has been the lack of love and the superficiality of the brothers and sisters in the organization. This is not the mark of good Christian people.
While I agree that many of them are misled, one would hope that their "goodness" would overcome the "badness" of the organization. In any case, Jehovah's Witnesses have their share of bad people such as the sexual predators and dishonest members.
I think the rank and file publisher is just mislead. They are in the JW religion because they really believe it to be the "truth." It is those in responsible positions that hold the blame for misleading them.
it is also good to be back here to have people to speak to
Have you discussed things here on JWD before?