I did not know this

by TooBad TooSad 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    The book study conducter said Tuesday night, during coverage of the Revelation book,

    that the real purpose of the Holocaust was not to rid Europe of the Jews but rather Satan

    was moving Hitler to kill all of the J.W.'s.

    Also he mentioned that he had a Bible student who invited a friend to sit in on the study.

    This friend started talking about Brother Russel and the conducter said that "I knew that

    he must be an apostate since he was talking about Brother Russel."

    The J.W.'s have been trained not to look at their past and if anyone does refer to Russel

    or Rutherford then he must be a part of the 'evil slave." It amazes me how much knowledge

    these window washers and janitors have.

  • Anti-Christ

    Good point!

  • NewYork44M
    Holocaust was not to rid Europe of the Jews but rather Satan was moving Hitler to kill all of the J.W.'s.

    I have heard this on more than one occasion. Also, the same thing was said about the events in Rawanda during the mid 90s.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Satan must be a complete idiot: he wanted to eliminate the JWs and killed millions of JeWs instead.

  • NewYork44M

    Maybe satan has a little spelling problem. He confused JEWS with JWS.

  • needproof

    What a load of old rubbish! I cant believe he had the gaul to say that

  • purplesofa

    Satan must be a complete idiot: he wanted to eliminate the JWs and killed millions of JeWs instead.


    JW's think that everything that goes on, actually happens for the benefit/or to attact them exclusively.

  • Plummet

    We had a bookstudy conductor overseer who mentioned weird stuff like that out of the blue.

    Like the whole purpose of WW1 and WW2 was to Eliminate Jw's.

    He also mentioned that after the Earth filled up we would probably be allowed space travel to fill other planets.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Their exagerated sense of self-importance coupled with their inability to learn from history is what makes a dub a dub.

    Reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode.

  • needproof

    hahaha! yes, space travel after the world is too full with people in the paradise earth - I heard that one!

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