Whether you were over the WT or not, how has the forum helped you?
Does it still help you or are you here strictly to help others?
Did the forum get you through any rough times? Experiences, please?
by avidbiblereader 13 Replies latest jw friends
Whether you were over the WT or not, how has the forum helped you?
Does it still help you or are you here strictly to help others?
Did the forum get you through any rough times? Experiences, please?
When I first found ex jw forums I was a mess. They have helped me figure out that I'm not alone, that I'm not "bad," and that I can be "normal."
I can't think of any specific examples, sorry.
Helped me get rid of guilt, plus realise that it was mind controlling. Made me less bitter, knowing there are others like me, who get past it and move on.
JWD has helped me not to kill myself.
Hard to explain abr
I think I'd have to say it has brought me back to life. Am now seeing my life, and life around me as an ongoing forward moving process whereas as a JW I was stuck going backwards and every aspect of myself was in disagreement and disarray, a slow death - feel more coherent and alive now. understand how you feel nvrgk.
That I was not alone in what I had experienced.
Supported and helped
Even though someone may be on the other side of the world. The common experience of being a JW links you together. There is an understanding what you can be going through. Because there is always someone who already has.
Hey ABR -
Tolerance - CTR said that the endeavor to compel all men to think alike on all matters resulted in apostasy. I don't recall his reasoning on how one leads to the other; what I do see is the wrongness of forcing - in tyrannical fashion - other men to accept all one's opinions, beliefs, etc. Here at JWD some of us still believe in the Bible and some sort of purpose in life, while others no longer hold to a specific belief system. For the most part, the exchange of ideas is done in a civil manner. At one time, most of us were JWs and supposedly believed the "same." The unity, or more correctly, the uniformity, has vanished.
Occasionally I've been flamed and perhaps with good reason. It's made me humble and thicker-skinned. I need that if I'm to get on with my life in the real world. So even the so-called negative factors I use to my benefit. I am less and less likely to be paralyzed by grief, anger or fear. I just keep picking myself up and brushing myself off.
Thanx for posing this question,
Yes, without a doubt, the forum has helped.
My cholesterol level is better, my HDTV signal is clearer and the fiber in my diet keeps me regular.
Rub a Dub
It gives a measure of satisfaction knowing I am not alone, that I have something in common with a group of people,
You here are like my family, we support one another, we have differences of opinions, we can fight and squabble, just like every other family, but even despite our differences we all have one thing in common - we were JW's or we we are JW's or we know JW's. We all contribute in our own way to one another, and that is what makes a community.
JWD gives me a place to vent.
and to hear others opinions.