My attitude on being benevolent toward other drivers varies...sometimes I am, but other times if I'm in a hurry I will speed on by. This attitude fluctuates, depending on the competence of the last driver I tried to cut some slack. Meaning, I hate it when you try your damnedest to accomodate a driver who is obviously stuck at a crossing, but then pussyfoots around about going ahead and merging into traffic. I'm nicer when the last person I gave a break to actually takes it, and meaner when the last person I tried to help sat there like a dolt.
I do hold open doors for women at every opportunity (and privately get miffed when not thanked for it), and otherwise in general try to be a decent fellow. Although, being completely honest, must admit that the prettier the woman, the more likely I am to open the door for her... does that make me a bad person? As for actually giving people change when asked...I am adamantly opposed to it. I have no mercy in me whatsoever for people not willing to work for what they want. A lot of this has to do with an experience I had about a decade ago...:
I was working construction at the time, and a guy was sitting on the trashcan outside the door of the fastfood place I went to for lunch one day. I saw as a I approached that as patrons entered, he accosted each one, panhandling change. When my turn came, I told him I only had a $20 (the truth). He had the gall to say "well then, give me your change when you come back out." Initially I was angered by this, but the fastfood place had one of those contests going at the time where you won various prizes by peeling stickers off the food packaging; I won a free meal combo on my sticker. Repenting of my anger, I decided to give him the sticker so he could get something to eat (which was what he said he wanted the money for). I was then cussed up one side and down the other, called a racist, and he threw the sticker down on the pavement. I've never given even a penny to a bum since, let alone a dime.
AATW, of the slightly tipsy and should probably shut up before this turns into a rant class...oops, too late.