People who don't take me seriously.
Old men that leer at your boobs. Openly.
Bad table manners.
Getting water on the underside of my arms when doing the dishes.
People who don't indicate.
by Hannah 30 Replies latest jw friends
People who don't take me seriously.
Old men that leer at your boobs. Openly.
Bad table manners.
Getting water on the underside of my arms when doing the dishes.
People who don't indicate.
Harrison Ford playing Jack Ryan. I mean Jack Ryan is suppose to be in his 30's. If they couldn't get Alec Baldwin to do the next movie after Red October why didn't they get another one of the Baldwins, they all look alike.....
People that won't give an pregnant woman/elderly person/person who needs it a seat on public transport.
those gay things on myspace that keep saying 'hello hello hello' everytime you roll over them. they're not on myspace so much anymore but every now and them i encounter them online, they are infuiriating.
Men who urinate in public.
Men who urinate in public.
I have read a few people have been arrested and convicted for that locally. the end up on the National Sex Offenders list.
My pet peeve is my mother-inlaw. She will offer a drink and I might say no. She will still offer it six more times before I raise my voice. She isn't deaf.
People who think they are so special that they do not need to respond to an attemp at conversation.
For example I sent an email to several on this board and never got a reply. That is annoying.
People who drop litter.
Small talk.
Public artwork designed by committee.
Welfare cheats.
Those who do the legal limit in the passing lane. Could you carry your slow showboatin' ass off to the right where you belong, please?
People who land thier shopping cart in the center of the aisle.
Are you people just stupid or are you looking for someone to toss your carrots? many to choose from...
When people bring their small babies out in the cold with out shoes and socks. (mostly WalMart)
When children have to go potty and their stupid parents won't take them so the kid has an accident and the parent gets mad at them (again, WalMart)
When parents drag their kids around shopping all day and then get mad at them when they act up because they are thoroughly exhausted.
Crazy drivers
Picky eaters
Overly dramatic people
When people bring their small babies out in the cold with out shoes and socks. (mostly WalMart)
To add to that--people who never put a hat on a baby's head in addition to the cold feet, and then complain how often their child has ear infections!!!!!
People who drive under 80mph in the left lane of a highway.
Those who stare at you directly in the eyes and don't speak. This is especially irritating when I say hello (since a person IS staring after all) and they still don't speak (primarily at work).
Office bitches who are always complaining about something.
Guys at work who try too hard to be cool.
People who say, "Word" to you but not any of their peers who look like they do, when NONE of you speak in such a manner at any time.