Is It Impossible To Reach A Devout JW ???

by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard

    The point of know return must be looming I mean a critical mass implosion.Everyone around me in 1992 my lastyear were all holding their breath white knuckling it all.

    Like me they commited all their assets to 'kingdom interest' menial low paying jobs no retirement savings,as an example multiplied countless times among JW's Iknew a brother 1991 who postponed replacing a worn out shingle roof because the end would come before it would leak bad.Everything about being a JW in 1992 was hedged on the new system any month.When I saw the lies I got out and came out really pissed offed at being defrauded all my life.

    What about all my peers who are still in how can you stand it?

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    If they have intelligence they will eventually leave or accept the lies. Most are not that smart. After I read a sign that referenced the 1968 article regarding 1975, that was the first step for me. Using contradictions in literature is unrefuttable.

    New light never gets dark.

  • minimus

    It seems like many just don't want to use their intelligence

  • timetochange

    The question could be asked: Is it impossible to reach a devout Catholic, Mormon, Baptist, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu etc.?

    The JW world, though small, is merely a pool of people doing their religious thing. The Catholic church is a much bigger pool of people doing their thing and though her leaders have burned people alive at the stake and for centuries have moved pedophile priests around like chess pieces, she survives, she survives because she morphes. She survives because for her members it would be too painful to live without her. So also will the JWs survive if they do what they appear to be doing; that is morphing to fit the times because for many JWs life is better in than out.

    The more important question for me personally is: How much of my life will I devote to fighting windmills? In that regard I am quite happy with my "irregular publisher" status in the exJW world.


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    I think its impossible to reach a devout JW on your own. They have to either 1) have serious doctrinal doubts that they have either developed on their own or have maybe read on the internet by themselves or 2) they have to experience the dark side of the borg either getting screwed by the elders or having a bad personal experience of some kind.

    You took the words right out of my mouth. Until they have a *personal* reason to start seeing the holes in the bOrg armor, they're going to pretend they don't exist.

    People can make themselves believe anything they want to believe bad enough. If they can ignore whatever doesn't fit with their fantasy, they can keep it up. but until something happens that they, personally, can't ignore, no amount of debate is going to change their mind. They will literally *refuse* to believe something they don't want to be true.

    This is just as true of anything else in human life. That's why political discussions are pointless. Once someone decides who to believe, that's it, until they change their minds.

  • Seeker4

    I was thinking about this earlier this week. I was talking with my ex-wife, still a JW. She told me about this one couple we knew. They were both disfellowshipped and treatws like absolute shit by their congregation. I stayed in touch with and visited them a number of times when they were out. They were disfellowshipped for ridiculous reasons - both were legally divorced by the congregation didn't recognize that they were scripturally divorced, and they were dfed for dating! How they were treated left them very bitter and angry about the local elders, a couple in particular.

    Now they've been reinstated, and they shun me!! It's idiotic.

    Then my ex tells me that Jan is going to the CA this weekend with her. I ask Jan who and she tells me. Jan was around our age, raised in a semi-JW family in my congregation. She was never baptized, and was a serious hottie as a teenager. She got a lot of guy attention, and had nothing to do with the Witnesses for decades. Had some rough times, I think, alcoholic, etc. Now she's back going to the meetings, etc.

    I can hardly believe both cases. But, none of these people are particularly serious or deep thinkers. They are the sort who are going to think that the JWs have 'the truth' and that's all there is to it. They're not the type to research and ask questions, and they also have the added incentive of having lots of family still in the Witnesses.


  • journey-on

    One recently told me that "Jehovah and His organization is not part of of her is her life."

    It's pretty hard to give up your life, no matter how dysfunctional it's proven to be.

  • jaguarbass

    Henry Ford said thinking is the hardest thing for a person to do. Most witnoids are in their comfort zone. They do not want to deal with personal responsibility and making life changing decisions. The borg does that for them.


    Why think when the WBT$ does it for you?..Why would you want to think for yourself?.....That is not my opinion..Thats what I have been told by numerous JW`s through the decades..They gave up thinking for themselves long ago and are proud of it!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • moshe

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