I guess there ain't many angels from the 'hood.
Kind of reminds me of the movie "A Time to Kill". . ."Now, imagine that she's white".
by slimboyfat 52 Replies latest jw friends
I guess there ain't many angels from the 'hood.
Kind of reminds me of the movie "A Time to Kill". . ."Now, imagine that she's white".
I guess there ain't many angels from the 'hood.
Kind of reminds me of the movie "A Time to Kill". . ."Now, imagine that she's white" MsMcDucket ......Yes, wow .... very interesting observation !!! Rub a Dub
(Revelation 1:13-14) 13 and in the midst of the lampstands someone like a son of man, clothed with a garment that reached down to the feet, and girded at the breasts with a golden girdle. 14 Moreover, his head and his hair were white as white wool, as snow, and his eyes as a fiery flame;. . .
I think the WTS makes some correlations from this scripture to depict angels in their spirit form...suspiciously looking like humans. The only way angels can be depicted is in their materialized form since human eyes can't see them otherwise...at least that's what the WTS has said.
Neither male nor female, Greek or Jew, slave or freeman (the WTS applies this to the status of the anointed after they go to heaven....seems to imply no racial characteristics).
(Galatians 3:28) 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female; for YOU are all one [person] in union with Christ Jesus.
..................uhhhh....because illustrators don't want to draw black or Asian angels? Because angels are by definition not humans and therefore have no ethnicity or skin color? Because whites dominate the arts and publishing arenas where this would even come up?
Who cares? The pictures are just one person's perception - not God's. Knowing God, given half a chance, He would probably just smite the shite out of the lot of them!
Black people's hair goes white with age, no? So why not black angels with white hair? I don't think that scripture is a very good excuse for all angels being shown as Caucasian.
And the illustrations do not show angels without race. They show them arbitrarily as consisting of one race.
Actually, if you have noticed it has been a slow change by the WTS depicting JWs as more than white
Probably true. The WTS was very slow depicting any people of color in their illustrations and pictures. I was told that the WTS even avoided magazine covers showing black people in countries with large "prejudiced" populations, i.e., the US. That is why covers in Africa of the same issue would show a black family and in the US, a white family.
Why is Jesus depicted as caucasian on earth when he definitely was Semitic?
I don't make WT policy or support it (big surprise). That was the closest I could find for the justification for showing the angels as a homogenous group. Why do they show angels in heaven as male when the bible says that is neither male or female in heaven? Just an example of the WTS bias.
I find it interesting that the WTS has little to say about the racial or ethnic background of the angels except to say that they did not stand out in the human population they were in when sent by God to humans.
We're talking about a publishing company that still shows women in skirts on a ladder when picking apples from a tree.
...and here I passed the thread because I thought you were talking about white ROBES. Why are their ROBES always white...
This would make an excellent "Question from Readers". Perhaps we could petition the Watchtower to depict angels with all GLOWY faces, with Armenian features. I hear Armenians are the hardest to classify.
Oh get over the race thing!
Who cares? When your dead you are dead If you are Black, White, Red, Yellow , or something else. You are still dirt. get it.
Oh get over the race thing!
Hambeak, you just don't get it. You don't understand how it affects the mentality of other races. It just personifies the idea that "God" loves whites better than blacks or what have you. I remember looking at the movie the "Ten Commandments" and mostly all the people were white. The only ethnic person with a lead role was Yul Bryner and, of course, he was the bad guy. As a child, I thought all of the Israelites looked like Charlton Hesston. I remember seeing a movie showing Cleopatra as white?? All the blacks were like slaves or pagans.
The movie Samson and Delilah showed Hedy Lamar cutting Victor Mature hair off, which didn't look nothing like dreads. This stuff messes with people's minds, our children's minds. Of course, I don't care about the bible the way I once did; but there are many people that are "faithful" christians that do care about what the bible says. So, why do the powers that be portray most of the good guys in the bible as white?
White light encompasses all colours, and is thus not a colour.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there are five primary colours in humans, Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, White. I see no reason why they should not also depict angles having these race/colour characteristics.
"Let there be light"... not white!