i was raised in the truth and knew everything i needed to know.
the only problem was: i was 14 when i got baptized.
this were my thoughts when i was 14:
- df'ing is righteous and loving
- being part of JW is completely voluntary (i really believed that even i knew what the penalty for it)
- my teenie-doubts about some parts of the genuity of the bible and the creation are caused by my bad knowledge
- it IS the truth
- my struggle with self-touching was caused by my imperfection and satan
- paranormal activity (which i never experienced in person) is the final proof that the jw are right
things i missed because of my age:
- what is sex? (i knew what it is... in theory)
- the possibility that humans can lie... even if my parents trust them for no reason.
- 1001 things i was too young for thinking about because of my limited experience
Did the JWs conceal crucial info before your baptism
by greendawn 24 Replies latest jw experiences
I didn't know about not being allowed to watch R rated movies. If I had known this, I might've questioned... Wait a second, I was 10 years old, I wouldn't have questioned shit!
Rather than whining and bitching about my moustache for the 20 years I was a JW, they should have told me they didn't like it before I was baptized. I would have discontinued the study and we all would have been much happier.
On a more serious note, if I was aware that I could not record judicial proceedings or have a witness present I would never have joined the cult. It never became an issue, as I was never in a JC, but I would never have joined any organization knowing they had such a policy.
Here's what I knew about it before my baptism:
You don't celebrate xmas or birthdays or anything
The only people you can hang out with are perverted children of elders
You don't eat or take blood
Dinosaur bones were either put there by Satan, or the earth and all it's life and history happened in the last 49,000 years
The outside world is far worse than inside the org (that's a really scary thought!)
If I don't get baptised and stay in I will loose my family (in the end I did anyway)
There is NO wrongdoing in the congregation and it would NEVER be covered up
I was raised around it, I guess I didn't pay much attention -
Jehovah's Witneses do go after your family and will hold them hostage and are blasphemous Bible thumping 'wolves in sheep's clothing'.-Danny Haszard
They are worse than 'wolves in sheep's clothing'... that's why I steer clear of them.
BTW, yes the JW's concealed all kinds of crucial information from me before I got dunked into their Spirit-directed organization... the main one being who the spirits are that direct this cult from hell.