I'm going to put my head on the block here... and possibly alienate some of you in doing so I'm new to the forum. Forgive me, I don't have time to read up the whole history of threads here, much as I'd love to, so if this subject has been discussed already (as I'm sure it must have) then apologies I was a Jehovah's Witness for 22 years, in which time I spent 20 or so as a full-time pioneer, conducting scores of Bible studies and bringing several into the 'truth'. I was an avid Bible student, too - by which I mean the Bible itself, not just by means of Watchtower publications. I believed in God before I became a Witness and when I started to learn about Jesus Christ - his role, what he means to me/us - at the age of 13, I loved him. I was baptised at 15. In all my years as a Witness I never ceased to love Christ. Unusual, isn't it - because JWs don't normally say that. But it's true. When I left, I joined no other religion and I still don't want to. I believe religion can get in the way of faith and does in many many cases. I adhere to the doctrines of no church or cult or other religion. But one things that is absolutely constant with me is my love of Christ. I left the organisation when I finally realised that not only did the majority of members not respect Christ but that Christ himself (nor God nor the holy spirit) had long since left it. How do you feel about Christ? Now, I am not talking about any religion's conception of Christ! I am talking about Christ himself - the one who died for us, who created us, who will judge us.... is there anyone there who's like me in this matter? do you think it's irrelevant? do you think it makes me a dubious person? do you fear I'm about to launch into some long tirade about being born-again, about the Trinity, or the like? come on, tell me what you think! |
by alotlikemay 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Dont believe he ever existed. Pure literary fabrication just like most of the bible, all of the book of Mormon, the Illiad, and the Koran.
The person described in the bible is alright for the most part except when he is condemning people to a firey hell unless they do things his way.
You can believe what you want and I dont think any more or less of you.
I think that is great that you have been affected by such a wonderful person, his life, and his views. What about him though completely enthralls you? What did he do or say that makes you so devoted to him? Do you believe he was God on earth? Or do you believe he was God's son and love him as a brother and Lord? I wish I did love Jesus as much as you do. Maybe that love would motivate me to be a better person and do some good on this earth. I think I will go to my grave never fully appreciating many of the wonderful people who have lived before me. Welcome to the forum, Alotlikemay! Anewme
just smiling at your frankness IP_SEC
well at least I didn't make an enemy of you then! thought i'd be roasted alive - and so I may be yet, haha!
cheers, mate
Star Moore
Hi May:
I was also a witness for 26 years..and a full time pioneer for last 5 and before that an auxillery pioneer..I left in Sept 2005..
I also love Jesus with all my heart and think the witnesses don't give him enough honor. Also, like you, don't want to join another religion.. Although I go on phone conference calls with Bible Students but most consider themselves as free bible students.. willing to believe things outside of the doctrines..
Good to meet you and welcome.
Do you love the ultimate love that the Christ represents, enough to let go of your Jesus, if:
If your love for Jesus makes you feel that others who believe differently are somehow less righteous and deserving than you?
If your love for Jesus separates -- in your mind -- all mankind into the chosen and the damned?
Would you let go of your Jesus if your love in any way divides us rather than unites us -- each and every one?
In other words: would you surrender your love of Jesus if such a "love" was found to be not love-ing?
The image of the Beloved which we carry in our mind, is not important; it's what we do with that image that is. We can use it to reduce, limit and circumscribe the Divine, or we can see it as a reminder or symbol of That which has no beginning, and no end. That, which is such purely perfect Love, that it holds and embraces everyone and all existence unconditionally.
Hi alotlikemay,
Actually, i feel pretty much the same way you do about Jesus. I am just going to share with you my feelings and opinons. I am not preaching. (I am too much of a sinner to be preaching to others)
I love how non-judgemental He was of sinners while on earth.
I agree with james thomas, as much as I try to make sense of what he is saying...(he writes so much more intelligently than i), that our love of Jesus should be without judgement of others. (Not saying that I think you are judgemental of others, it doesnt seem like you are at all.)
What anyone else does or feels is up to them, IMO, but for me, I love the man that walked the earth as God's son. Sometimes I find it hard to believe in the Bible, with all the contradictions, the odd way that the OT has a wrathful, vengeful god, and the NT has a more loving, more forgiving god. The catalyst to that change in God's personality being Christ's birth. But that this is simply my opinion. And I am more than willing to admit to being wrong.
I just love Jesus, I could feel his anguish when he cried out, Father, Father, why have you forsaken me? I feel so much appreciation for what he did for his fellow humans...am I a Jesus proclaimer? or preacher? no....I keep my feelings about Him to myself,....but that is just me. (not that I think others should do likewise, or should agree with me, i am merely sharing my feelings and thoughts.) If others want to preach Jeus to the masses, great! I just dont think I'm the person for that job
John 6:53-54 So Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless (on the condition that) you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood(barf!), you have no life in you (you deserve to die!); he who eats my flesh (How appealing. Does that include the penis?) and drinks my blood (I'll give my vampire friends a call and invite them over for dinner tonight! Blood is on the menu!) has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day (The rest of you will rot in hell!).
Mark 16:16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned (sumarily executed).
""Hello, my name is Jesus. I love you deeply. I have loved you since you were conceived in the womb and I will love you for all eternity. I died for you on the cross because I love you so much. I long to have a loving personal relationship with you. I will answer all of your prayers through my love. But if you do not get down on your knees and worship me, and if you do not EAT MY BODY and DRINK MY BLOOD, then I WILL INCINERATE YOU WITH UNIMAGINABLY TORTUOUS PAIN IN THE FIRES OF HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY BWAH HA HA HA HA HA!"" http://www.godisimaginary.com/i21.htm
I'm loving some of the comment this has provoked! I had no idea it'd do that and it's a welcome surprise. I may stick around this forum for a while (am still a newb!) I@