Just curious. Where does he live? Is he still writing or working? Is he still in Alabama?
What's Ray Franz Up To These Days?
by owenfieldreams 11 Replies latest jw friends
I believe he lives in the Atlanta area. I'm not sure of his age but I think he's at least in his mid-80's.
I'm reading Crisis of Conscience right now...
I think Grace/Mouthy was talking to him about a month ago.....I don't think Ray's wife is doing too well......health problems, but you can check with Grace to see for sure.
I just received this email from Ray!
Dear Friends,
In harmony with Jesus' words, "Do this in remembrance of me." (Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11L24) we will be sharing with others the Lord's evening meal at our home on the evening of Monday, April 2 (which corresponds with Passover night).
This invitation to share with us is being sent not only to friends in our area but also to persons who have visited or corresponded with us in the past. You may already have your own plans for commemorating Christ's sacrificial death and some of you may live some distance from us. In either case you may not wish to accept this invitation. There is no need to respond if that is the case. If you would like to share, please let us know in advance so we will know how many persons to expect. Prior to the Lord's evening meal, we will be serving a regular meal beginning at 6:30 p.m. If you desire directions to our home you can let us know.
Sincere regards,
Ray & Cynthia FranzCheers! Atlantis-
Are you sure this invitation was meant to go out to thousands of JWDers?
If so, then I hope they have a hired help for preparing a meal.
Looks like the biggest Apostafest ever.
This is no secret, slim. It is part of the website that contains info on ordering his books in various languagues as well as some additional info he has written. Ray ge\ts so many e-mails that any from JWD would be just a drop in the bucket.
He can't completely let go of the JW's ritual, sad. Why do some stop themselves short of a full recovery from indoctrination? It would create too much cognitive dissonance to go all the way I believe.
Well, not everyone who leaves the WTS becomes agnostic or atheist. I'm sure he is not sitting in judgment on your decision.