what did you "sacrifice" when you came in the Truth?

by skyclad 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheOldHippie

    Yeah, I forgot that I also lost a handfull of good friends, a couple of whom I have a certain contact with now, after a quarter of a century - and that I also sacrificed my fiancee for four years .......... who couldn't stomach my not turning Catholic.

  • CD

    skyclad - sorry 2 hear about what you missed out on, however, it is never 2 late 2 accomplish your goals...

    i gave up some really awesome friends in college...i drifted away from them, & now years later, I am trying to locate them........also, passed up dating some really awesome girls in college, b/c they were not jws(how stupid)....fortunately, i did not stop my pursuit of my bachelor's degree & a great job. i was always ambitious & my education/full-time job, was something I would never give up for the jw org.


  • kwintestal

    A complete scholarship (including living and spending allowance) to the University of Osaka, Japan. (a friend was a prof. there and had an "in" for me)


  • juni

    Welcome skyclad to the JWD forum.

    An unregimented life. Friends. Myself. Giving my kids' a normal childhood. My sanity at the end until I got help.

  • sspo

    Some of my best friends I grew up with.

  • journey-on

    I was born into it, so I didn't get to make the choice to come into the "Truth".

  • Abandoned

    • I sacrificed 30,000 dollars in college fund for getting out of the army as a conscientious objector.
    • My first wife left me (at least partly) due to my studying with the witnesses.
    • I tossed out nearly two-thousand dollars worth of videos, video games, and cds.
    • I lost a shit-load of friends due to my proseletyzing.
    • All the ones I received in their place were only CONDITIONAL friends.
    • I wasted a ton of money donating to the world-wide work.
    • I wasted many years preaching about things I'm ashamed I even believed.
    • My family thinks I'm a flake due to my years with that stupid organization.
    • I still suffer emotional issues due to that ugly god they indoctrinated me to believe in.
    • I'm sure's there's more...
  • averyniceguy

    Well, I was raised in the truth, I have never played any sports in High School, I really wanted to do it very badly but my parents say NO! They said that I will miss the meetings, it would be very nice if the Watchtower has one meeting a week on Sunday back in my high school days. Oh well!

  • LtCmd.Lore

    I didn't sacrifice anything...

    But my parents sacrificed my childhood.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Being born into it, lets talk about the life I never had and still don't have. I missed every conceivable bit of harmless joy, or fun, that could ever have been had in the 20 th century. Never went to university or college, and spent 20 years after I got my ass booted out with my tail between my legs because of low self esteem guilt, fear abandonment, and condemnation. They sucked away my vitality and life force and I am still effected to this day by my unwavering family. I figure they owe me a 100 million for a life sentence, lost opportunities, and mental damage.

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