I haven't been to a meeting in ages. Whats the rules on getting on Myspace? I ask because I added a friend of mine from my past congregation because he was cool with me, but later he removed me from his friends list. I don't know whats up, but from browsing through his friends, his friend group seems pretty tight in the Jehovah's Witnesses circle. Am I that bad of an influence? See for yourself: http://www.myspace.com/chrischrischris3
Jehovah's Witnesses and Myspace
by tsunami_rid3r 10 Replies latest jw friends
tall penguin
Ummm...well. Looking thru jw eyes, in the 60 seconds I spent on your myspace page I noticed you have a tatoo, you were smoking a hookah pipe and you wax longingly about possibly becoming a monk. :)
So, if I was a good jw or wanting to appear a good jw, I would not consider you the best associate.
Now, as an apostate, I think you're pretty cool. ;)
tall penguin -
You will never see the word "myspace" in the watchtower, but the "talking points" will be sent to the travelling brothers, rest assured. I will bet a plug nickel that CO's and DO's will be mentioning it to no end in upcoming assembly talks....Get ready for a big "see, I told ya so..".....
Hey ya'll!
Get this... at a recent Circuit Assembly the CO asked everyone who had seen Myspace.com to raise their hands. MANY brothers and sisters did. After that he said, "If you just raised your hand, shame on you! No witness of Jehovah has any business on that site." He went on to condemn it in no uncertain terms.
I wasn't there, of course, but that's what my family heard. Crazy, huh? Makes it pretty clear how the Borg feel about it.
Well I've seen a handful of Jehovah's Witness groups on Myspace, but they seem pretty close knit like the congregations.
My friend who was recently DFd had to explain his myspace page to the elders at his DF meeting. The elders brought a laptop and pointed out all the bad stuff!! As far as condemning the site at meetings, I specifically remember a Ministry school or local needs part about a year ago when I was still attending that mentioned it by name as something Christians should be no part of.
Chris honey... your better off without them. They've been screwing you over for 2 years now. I remember when you first came to this site. And the anguish you were suffering.
Yes he probably has taken you off because of your profile. But the thing is that he most likely succumb to the pressure from the other JWs on the site. Trust me when I tell you that they will check out all your friends and message you if they think any of them are inappropriate. They make threats to dob you into the elders and exclude you etc, etc.
Your friend is not a true friend honey. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh. But we all have to face the facts. Focus on the 135 in your friend list that like you for who you are. Not what you believe.
Well, as me having left a few months ago....I can fill y'all in on Myspace!! IT'S TOTALLY CONDEMNED. Which is okay and makes sense if you're a witness cuz you wouldn't want extra association with Non-Witnesses, just as you wouldn't in real life-the logistics of it make sense IF YOU'RE A WITNESS, you gotta stay away from non-witnesses, and clearly, it would be hard to do that on Myspace with all the "friends requests" and all....
But at my last assembly, (not convention, assembly), Myspace was mentioned specifically for all Christians to get off it. Subsequently at my hall, there were about 4 talks that mentioned it (usu. had to do with the talks on youth and whatnot) to STAY OFF IT.
They called it a "Glorified chatroom." So, basically any Witnesses who are on it right now really shouldn't be on it. They know they shouldn't be on it, but if they are, shame on them. hehe. If they are, then they're most def. not a "strong Witness," cuz Myspace is basically Satan's chatroom.
But, hey let me break it down for you why you're off the Witness list!
1)you have some picture of some multi-armed pagan god thing
2)yeah, what the other person said-hookah
3) you said "goddamn" in one of your pictures
4)you have a picture of a rated R movie you like (vanilla sky)
5)you have a tattoo ( a really cool one at that :)
and of course.....
6)you live in texas...... just kidding.
OH YEah....and you go to college!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps someone can post a scan of the March 2007 Awake! entitled, "Meeting the Needs of Today's Youth."
Article 1: Youths Online!
Article 2: Helping Youths Meet the Challenge
A Social Revolution
Online Social Networks — Harmless?
The Darker Side of Cyberspace
Growing Public Concern
Negative Affects
Beware the "Wisdom of the World!"
Sidebar: Social Networking / One Girl's Story