I am a flabbergasted at how paranoid the Witness's are of the internet, that in and of it's self show they don't have a good influence on people. Makes think of the word CULT". Pintail
Are JW's a Cult?
by PinTail 55 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Are you in a cult? These are interesting questions. One thing that's common about all cult members is that they are all sure that they are NOT in a cult. So - if you are sure you are not in a cult then take this test.
The question about if you are in a cult is not a black and white issue. There are organizations that are clearly cults and others that are cultish depending on your perspective. And most all groups of people have some cult like properties. Obviously if you are a member of a group that is contemplating mass suicide then you are in a cult. But what about people who believe in Armageddon, are they cult members? Especially if you think the world will end in your life time? Or if you are looking forward to the end of the world? If you think we are in the "end times" and you are fantasizing about God destroying the world, you are in a cult.A cult is every other religion other than the one that you believe in.
Brother Apostate
Does the pope shit in the woods?
BA Why of course, silly.
Once again, Bro. A, you have me in tears.
Where do you come up with this stuff?
I really needed that one.
Jesus' returnJehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus already came in
1914 1918 1946Jesus is coming soon noone knows when Jesus is coming. It is felt that his return is based on finding a way to make the Watchtower publication profitable. To date, this has not been accomplished.CustomsJehovah's Witnesses are well known for their habit of wearing suits; this is not because they are uptight dorks, but rather because most courtrooms require formal attire, and they do not want to risk being held in contempt of court.
Some Seventh Day teachings stolen and repackaged includes the Disappointment of 1844 and the slogan "Off with her head!" as well as Queen Mary's tenets of imprisoning and/or beheading members who challenge church authority. Charles Taze Russell also stated that the Great Pyramids of Egypt predicted a huge event would occur in 1914. In 1914, when World War I started, he was quoted as saying, "I told you so."When reminded that he didn't include a zero year on his calculation, (If correct, would have predicted something really big happening in 1915) Russell quickly chopped off the arm of the dissender, drained their blood, threw the poor soul in the hospital, and informed the doctor that the dissender is a Jehovah's Witness and not to replace their blood; a practice that's done to dissenders to this day. The practice, originally known as "dis-membershipping" is now known today as "disfellowshipping".
You are allowed to have your arm re-inserted after a punitive period that lasts for at least 6 months. That practice, known as "re-insertion" is now known as "re-instation".
“Prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile”
- ~ A Jehovah's Witness on Jehovah's Witnesses
ummm, just a tad cultish
Spirit Axal
Not to forget that Jehovahs witnesses believe the churches will be the first to be destroyed. If its my understanding, their just anti-christ. They are trained to "Counter" other teachings instead of trained for the truth.
hmm... reading some topics... are there any actual witnesses here or is this just like a place for people to make fun of them?
Most people here are former Witnesses, DFd, DA, inactive.
Some are active, but that's 'cause of family ties.
Are the jw a cult? Well, they tell you what to believe and kick you out if you show signs of believin differently. They use fear and guilt as tools to keep their members in line. They deny that as an organization they've said and did things that are documented and irrefutable. They expect their adherrents to follow explicitly rules that flip flop back and forth and punish those who happen to be stuck at the wrong, current understanding. They use keywords that are specific to their group and that outsiders are not familiar with. They maintain an "us against the world" mentality and teach that they alone are those especially enlightened and especially blessed. They keep their followers always on edge, in expectation of an event that is soon to take place and has been soon to take place for nearly one hundred and fifty years. They recommend their flock avoid beneficial avenues like college but refuse to accept responsibility when these same loyal sheep have to support themselves on a janitor's salary.
Do I really need to continue?