My mom always says xx years ago I was in pain with you.... Nice, huh? LOL - anyway - I am looking forward to my very first birthday too. So is my son.
JWs and the weird way they say Happy Birthday
by reneeisorym 40 Replies latest jw friends
My parents didn`t acknowledge Birthdays..I do..
Happy 25th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!...OUTLAW
"Like an idiot?" HA HA HA! What an apt description of the antics of those who spend their lives trying to please a silly ole tower.
Renee, happy birthday. Or should I say, "Happy, Happy, Birthday, Baby". . .you are so young. I had a moment of nostalgia for 25. Had my second child, just got married, very hopeful for the future. Could not imagine 40!
My mom and I talk most days, and I think she has said happy birthday. You know, the gift part I can take or leave with her (some years when my dad was alive I got gifts on or near my birthday), but if I don't get the story of the day leading up to our birth(I'm a twin) and the day, and days following, I feel like I am missing my birthday ritual. In its own way, I think it is as important or more so than a party or gift, because as messed up as our relationship sometimes is, I know that we are precious and important to her. And she really isn't shy about loving us, her deluded non JW kids who are not likely to go to the new system with her. Maybe in her assumption of that, she is just enjoying me while she gets me! My crazy, wonderful, insane, loving, strange mom. But that is pretty much what my teenagers think of ME, so it must just be a mom thing! Renee, just wait! You have so much adventure ahead!!!
WELL, the Reasoning Book aptly asks us: "Do Bible references to birthday celebrations put them in a favorable light? The Bible makes only two references to such celebrations..." But John the Baptist's head was cut off and on another occasion, "the chief of the bakers was hung up." So OBVIOUSLY, "God's word reports unfavorably about birthday celebrations and so we need to shun them."
You shouldn't celebrate your birthday....I mean, you might get murdered and everything, according to the *Reasoning Book.* You wouldn't want that, would you?
Anyway, HAPPY B-DAY!
Only bad things happened on birthdays. . .and such a positive thing happened after the passover service? What was the crucifixion/treehanging?? If you want to associate get togethers with bad outcomes, come on!
For years my sisters and I would call each other on our birthdays just to acknowledge the day. One would be hurt if that day passed without a phone call. Then somehow my parents started calling too. There would even be reminder phone calls, "Did you call your sister today?" But "Happy Birthday" was never uttered during those phone calls. Ridiculous!! Now my Mom writes poems about the day of our birth and calls us to find out our schedules so she can leave it on the answering machine when we're out. All this effort/trouble put forth for a day they can't celebrate. By the way, I've faded but the rest are in.
One of my customers brought me an Easter Basket! :)
And you're welcome CoCo
Hope it's a great one!!
My mom will call and ask if I'm feeling any older. One year she actually did slip and say "Happy Birthday" and I was stunned silent. Then she realized what she did and stumbled over words. She honestly didn't know what to say or do next. I thanked her and just let it go. My ex-mother-in-law is an uber-JW, yet she would always call my daughter on her birthday and gets pouty if she doesn't get called by my daughter or her (xJW) sons (one being my ex). I refused to call her this year, because I've decided that if you don't celebrate the birthday, then you shouldn't get any recognition for it.
We also used to have a big buffet place in a town north of the congregation I grew up in which would let you eat for free on your birthday, with proof that it was your birthday. Hmmmm.....I'll give you three guesses who never missed out on that! Several of the elders and their families. Seemed like a celebration to me.....