Sadistic foster mother's 19-year reign of terror comment box here post your outrage
This is London, UK - 12 minutes ago
The devout Jehovah's Witness forced sticks down their throats and made them eat their own vomit and rat excrement. As punishment for misbehaving, ...
by fokyc 101 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I'm trying hard to not rush to judgement against the elders and fellow JWs in the hall that this woman supposedly attended...
...but if this woman was a "devout" JW and was an active member of the congregation, how, in all those years, did not someone notice that something wasn't right about her and her foster children?
Could it be that the woman was a fringe member, rarely attended meetings and was rarely seen? If that's the case, I can see where no one would be in a position to witness anything out of the ordinary.
IF...IF...however, she was an active member, something is bad wrong here. I hope more information comes to light about this. If she was an active member and a visible part of the congregation, I hope that someone can expose any wrongdoing that may have been committed by anyone, elder or otherwise, who may have shared in hiding this woman's behavior and crimes.
undercover, they do not mention a husband or father in the home.
If you are single mother or wife of an unbelieving mate, your kids are as good as invisible to the congregation.
I know whereof I speak. No one noticed my mother's abuse, and in fact ignored her aberrant behavior. Those who may have noticed simply did not care.
Kids of single moms or wives with UBM's are at the lower end of the Kingdom Hall food chain, just above the disfellowshipped sitting in the back who no one will speak to.
~Sue -
Foster mother guilty of cruelty comment enabled
Monsters and, UK - 13 minutes ago
Spry, who claims to be a devout Jehovah's Witness, denied all the charges and said that the only physical punishment she ever used was a 'smack on the ... -
but if this woman was a "devout" JW and was an active member of the congregation, how, in all those years, did not someone notice that something wasn't right about her and her foster children?
As long as you are following the rules, attending meetings and maintaining regular service hours, there is very little to "notice" Some may avoid others thinking they don't seem quite right, but unless instructed, this person is still a JW in good standing....especially struggling single mothers, or those with unbelieving mates.
In addition, when physical punishment is meeted out to children for all to see and hear during the meetings, and approved as "not sparing the rod", it seems to me, this encourages ignoring what might be going on behind the scenes.
They were pulled from public school which further islolates any possible observers to abuse.
Here in Florida, we seem to have an inordinate amount of foster children abused for years before neighbors or teachers come to the rescue. Kids learn to live their life (what ever it is) as normal. How well so many of those here have learned that lesson being raised a JW.
It is an interesting fact that the woman who is now 21, who says she was made to stay in a wheelchair, is now a baptised JW.
The fact that one of the victims has become a JW is more indicative of the mental damage suffered than anything else. Unless the JW's produce some evidence to the contrary, I can only conclude that the situation condemns them utterly, in that for 20 years or so such a situation was allowed to continue without any intervention, bearing in mind the close knit community JW's operate in. Did they adopt a 'wait on Jehovah' attitude? 'If there is anything wrong, Jehovah will bring it out in his own time.................' Either way the Branch should know that this occurrence is on a par with a whole range of abuse stories that emanated from the spiritual paradise of watchtower world. Although they claim that the elders are in Jesus' 'right hand' and that angels are in 'mid-heaven' directing the preaching work, that gods spirit pervades the organisation.......there is absolutely no evidence of it....where it matters.
There again this 'devout JW' is no worse than the JW God set to ethnically cleanse the world on a far greater scale than Hitler or exterminating billions of mankind to preserve a million or two of his mindless devotees. What can you expect.
This woman makes me sick! I sent a email to the newspaper. If she was attending meetings I am quite sure others would notice the abuse that was being done to the children. When I was in the cult I saw some things but not to that extent. I would give the mother or father some "looks" if I saw them being a little too harsh with the children. If I had ever seen this I would have gone to the police. I feel so bad for those children. They will never recover. Everyone should send an email.
This appears to be new information
Foster mother inflicted 20 years of sadistic abuse on three children
Guardian Unlimited, UK - 56 minutes ago
Spry, a Jehovah's Witness and a pillar of her local community, would punish the children because she thought they were possessed by the devil. ...she thought they were possessed by the devil. ...
Foster mother guilty of 'sadistic' abuse, UK - 20 minutes ago
Eunice Spry, 62, a Jehovah's Witness, beat the children with sticks and metal bars, forced sticks down their throats and made them drink bleach and eat19 years of abuse by foster motheradd comment
Metro, UK - 12 minutes ago
The devout Jehovah's Witness forced sticks down their throats and made them eat their own vomit and rat excrement. During a four-week trial, three victims ...