I just wanted to tell everyone on this site "Thank You" for all the support

by themonster123 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • themonster123

    Hello fellow JWD people....I just wanted to tell everyone "Thank you" for everything on here-it has been extremely helpful for my brain to realize (I hope!!) I'm doing the right thing to not be a Witness anymore....As some of you may or may not know, I stoppped being a Witness about 3 months ago.... It's a weird thing to not go to meetings anymroe/service/have only witness friends/think the end is coming and....SOON.

    I only left b/c of intellectual reasons, so reading everyone's posts on various subjects and whatnot has been a huge help to help dispell some of the Witness "truths" that I thought were true since I was 1 year old....

    And, on another random note, my profile pic is actually a pic of a duck at Bethel!!! I didnt' put it up cuz of that...I just like the pic...And I wonder if that duck is on this website? No, he seemed pretty spiritual.

  • Chameleon

    Once you're convinced, you can never go back. =)

    Where are you in California? If you don't want to say, I understand. I'm near L.A.

  • GoingGoingGone

    We're glad you're here, themonster123! Stick around!

    And yes, I think I saw that duck on another thread.....


  • Zico

    The longer you stay, the more you'll learn.

    I've been here for almost a year, and I still regularly learn stuff that adds proof for me that the Society is wrong.

  • juni

    Hi monster,

    Glad you're here and found it beneficial. The "truth" is a real eye opener isn't it?



  • jaguarbass

    Hello Themonster. I wouldnt worry about the end comming your end will come long before the end.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Hiya, Monsta-girl! Welcome to the JWD forum, chere! I missed your intro post, so I went back and read it when I saw this thread. There now.....the truth has set you free.

    Fear (of "harm-a-gettin' " and of being disapproved) are major WTS tools to keep their lemmings fleeced ones toe-ing the WTS line. Fuhgedaboudit, chere! Life's for livin'.........



  • nvrgnbk

    Hi tm123,

    Glad you're enjoying your time here. I think everybody on here knew instinctively that the Witnesses didn't have "the whole truth and nothing but the truth." But reading on JWD confirms and further convinces us of what we knew in our core.

    Happy for your success,


  • sammielee24

    Congratulations on your new 'life'....! sammieswife.

  • LeslieV

    Glad you are here with us. Keep coming back!!!


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