I was wondering why many of you turn to to other religions after being freed from the foolishness of the JW's? After I relieved myself of the burden of the foolish witnesses, I was able to understand God in my own fashion and I've never felt better. Many religions pratice mind control similar to the wittnesses so why not free yourselves from all of them?
Why not just leave religion alone altogether?
by dawg 21 Replies latest jw friends
dude your the reason why im trying to free as many people as i can from the JW's.
this is my simple answer
different strokes for different folks
me personally, I will never join another religion ever again.
I am glad to be free from religion's bondage.
dude its proven time and time again the the JW'S doctraine is wrong, why cant u except it
Hey, that's what I've done. I don't believe there's any being out there that needs me thinking this or believing that. I see a sunset and I'm happy. I make a connection with someone and I'm motivated. I go out of my way for someone and I'm happy. That's all I need.
Frannie Banannie
Dawg/dude and Godless, yall look like a tag team here.
That's where I'm at, I leave religion alone altogether. But lifes a journey and everyone has to find their own way. There is a psychological need for many to belong, birds of a feather flock together.
Some may have a need for religion. Sunday mornings, ... Joel Osteen, on TV gives positive comments.
And I am okay with some of his thoughts. Its just different than anything I have heard.
I don't want any religion.
My experences with the JW's was enough for me, ... forever.
Religion is a smile on a dawg.
Snare and a racket is the only thing the JWs ever got right.
I practice the religion of NGotCoS (naked gaming on the couch on Sundays)
I don't say it as an absolute vow, but I will avoid organized religion from now on.