Why Can’t You Just Accept That It’s The Truth!

by The wanderer 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Why Can’t You Just Accept That It’s The Truth!

    Problems occur in the Jehovah’s Witness world when an individual decides to think for him or herself.
    Personally, I suffered a great deal in the “truth” because of “independent” thinking—thinking like Satan.

    What About You’re Experiences?

    As a Witness, did you feel doubts or questions come into your mind and if you dared,
    voiced your opinion on the matter, were you “disciplined” for it? Did you suffer in silence
    just to “save face” or did you conform just to avoid problems?

    Please explain


    The Wanderer

  • Chameleon

    I haven't brought up anything...yet.

    Your formatting reminds me of the tower. =\

  • OnTheWayOut
    did you conform just to avoid problems?

    Yep. New elder in 1995, just conforming when doubts crept in.

    I waited more than 10 years to seriously snap out of conformity.

  • slmdf

    I conformed as an elder for 10 years. Wasn't till I was DF'd that I allowed myself to think outside the Borg. Now that I do, it's inconceivable that I could ever conform again.

    I am constantly amazed at how my thinking was guided or controlled in such a manner and I didn't know it.

    It's kinda like us saying "the brain is the most amazing thing".... well, of course... look what's telling us that. (duh... our brain!)

    The GB or Watchtower tell us what to think. I was taught, from a little lad, to believe it and not to question it. I didn't know what I didn't know... you know? (now I'm reasoning like the WT... LOL)

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    "independent" thinking—thinking like Satan.

    dependent thinking---robotic trembling at men

    independent thinking(no "quotes")---using our God-given intelligence, remember, we are created in His image.

    As a Witness, did you feel doubts or questions come into your mind and if you dared,
    voiced your opinion on the matter, were you "disciplined" for it? Did you suffer in silence
    just to "save face" or did you conform just to avoid problems?

    Yes I had doubts and questions, and I dared voice them at JW parties, meetings, field service, etc. I was approached by numerous elders, had meetings(non-JC) with them, proving my points using the Scriptures. I was disciplined (private reproof), not for that, but for smokin' a stogie (also no Scriptural prohibition there)! I refused to suffer in silence. I always proved my points using the Scriptures. And then I left when I saw they were not interested in the Scriptures, but rather, teachings of men, the WTBTS publications. They ignore God's Word and instead tremble at men. They came after me 19 months after I left the borg, for one reason- so my ex-wife could remarry "scripturally"!

    What a mind-control, high control cult the JW's truly are!



    PS- Cheer up..


    Wanderer..I`m a Dub Kid..I had plenty of questions..I was fed a "Shut the F*ck Up Burger"..LOL!!..WBT$ dosen`t like questions..WBT$ dosen`t like JW`s`s to ask questions..Accept everything the WBT$ say`s ..Or..Shut the F*ck Up!!..Anything less will make you a thinker ..WBT$ dosen`t need thinkers,just mindless followers...OUTLAW

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Hey Wanderer,

    Where's your other picture? Much more attractive, I must say. I had my down and out discussions about stupid human rules in the borg, but I knew when to roll over and play dead too.

    Independent thinking is evil to them. What would the average person say if they were told that independent thinking was bad? I think they would be left with chin in hand and brow wrinkled.

  • Shazard

    Sorry, we have to love God with all our MIND too! So sorry, if you don't use your mind and do not THINK, you are disobeying direct order. Also there is direct order - "Test everything(!!!!) and keep wat's good". Again, one more direct order to use your MIND. And these words "Judge for yourself" (1 Cor 11:13) ""Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge." (Acts 4:19) "I speak as to wise men; judge for yourselves what I say." (1 Cor 10:15). See Paul encourages us to judge ourselves by the Words of God. Also remember Acts 17:11 These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily [to find out] whether these things were so. So Paul didn't objected that they themselves are able to read and judge what is written. Also Christ himself when made point asked "What is written, how do you read this?", he allowed even to his enemies to read and interpretate Scripture expecting them to be able to come to senses. But WT does not allow even to their own followers to read intependently like Christ and Paul did. So who do we follow direct orders of Christ and example of Paul, or WT? Judge for yourself!

  • Shazard

    And you are right, there is no problems where no independent thinking present. For example in graveyards!

  • trevor

    I began to question certain anomalies in the movement and was advised that I was developing a “spirit of independence.”

    I expected everything to add up and make sense, after all this was “the Truth” – wasn’t it? One senior brother of fifty years standing explained that the most important thing in the congregation was unity.

    It did not matter so much whether what we believed was accurate so long as we all believed the same. This did nothing to ease the nagging feeling I had, that the Emperor wore no clothes....

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