If god were elected...

by Abandoned 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Abandoned
    I'd say his chances of getting reelected would be excellent, seeing as how he doesn't even make appearances or say anything and everybody trusts him implicitly. Hell, he doesn't even do anything and lets evil thrive and people continue to support and make excuses for him. He just can't do any wrong! So in my opinion, there will always be a support base for a figment of peoples imagination.

    Exactly. Why do people honor this guy? I sincerely think it's because they are afraid of what they will lose out on if they piss him off. I guess some people love god for the same reason some women stay with abusive mates. The same reason some kids keep trying to please their impossible to please parents. The same reason some people stay at dead-end jobs. FEAR. Well, I've given god all the fear he's ever going to get from me. From now on, I succeed or fail on my own.

  • heathen

    I think God was the first to ever be removed from office democratically . In the old testament the jews decided they wanted to be like other nations and have a human king thereby removing him from office .................. He only complained a little then just said no problem ..............

  • 5go
    Exactly. Why do people honor this guy? I sincerely think it's because they are afraid of what they will lose out on if they piss him off. I guess some people love god for the same reason some women stay with abusive mates. The same reason some kids keep trying to please their impossible to please parents. The same reason some people stay at dead-end jobs. FEAR. Well, I've given god all the fear he's ever going to get from me. From now on, I succeed or fail on my own.

    Hey I love my dead end job. I have been in several career jobs and didn't leave them when I should of because of fear though.

  • Abandoned
    Hey I love my dead end job. I have been in several career jobs and didn't leave them when I should of because of fear though.

    If you like it, good for you. I think a lot of people stay in positions they don't like because of fear though.

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