Got your memorial invite?

by startingover 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • startingover

    A couple of years ago a couple of elders, who are nice guys and are long time friends, came over to see me and invite me to the memorial. After listening to them, I asked them a question. I asked why in 1 Cor. 11:26, the scripture always used in the memorial confirming why they need to keep celebrating it, does it say at the end, to do it "until he arrives"? I said that other religions are not affected by that statement, since they don't believe Jesus has returned, but since JW's do, why do they keep celebrating it. I know the WTS has an answer for that they have concocted, but most JW's don't know that. They told me they would have to get back with me on it. Although I've seen them numerous times, it has never been mentioned again, and they didn't bother to invite me last year.

    So, I have been waiting for my invite this year because I have another question. The JW's are big on having a great crowd of "observers" at the memorial, but where is the scriptural precedent for that? Seems to me if that was the way Jesus wanted it to be, he could have included observers.

  • SB

    i have wondered why jesus didn't have observers join him as well. the last memorial i went to, was last year. and i was astounded at how much emphasis they put on explaining who drinks the wine and why, instead of focusing on jesus. i guess they just don't want the wrong people drinking the wine, so as not to cause drama at the memorial.

    i've thought about going, just to down the wine and leave. but i guess that would be disrespectful. :)


  • MeneMene

    Just got an email from my sister today inviting me to go with them.

    I am tempted to go because I haven't heard that talk in decades and after hearing the discussions here it may be an opportunity to ask some questions like the ones you guys have mentioned.

    Will have to think about this some more - I really do not want to increase their numbers.

    I have gotten word they are afraid I am turning Apostate. After all I did send my sister an email quoting from the Harp of God and also some quotes from Clayton J. Woodworth who helped write The Finished Mystery and was editor of the Golden Age. Her computer broke at the same time she received it and they still think I sent her demons in that email.

  • Abandoned

    Yes I got MINE from Mary.

  • Mary
    Yes I got MINE from Mary.

    Yepper.....And I'll even letcha drink the vino and eat the questions asked.

  • Xena

    I don't get an invitation anymore from my family. I guess I'm just to darn evil. I blame Santa.

  • jakes

    I got mine on Tuesday morning.

    Two JW sisters knocked at my door.I opened and the one recognised me from my old congregation.After some chat she asked me if I still attend meetings.I said that I have not been for quite a while and I said I do not intend doing so anymore.She then asked me what the problem was and I replied by saying that I dont agree with the JW doctines anymore.She offered me a bible study and I said that would not help and it could be detrimental to her belief in the org.

    They left me with the invite to the memorial and the special talk.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I don't get an invite any more.

    'Her indoors' just chucks me a few bucks to go down to the 'Temple Gates' and heads off to deny Christ's sacrifice on her own.



  • Marcel


    what is the common excuse for this flaw?
    jesus came... so why do we need to celebrate in anymore? because there are annointed still on earth?

  • Finally-Free

    JWs celebrate the memorial™ differently than other religions do because it makes them feel special. Only in Jehovah's organization™ can a person feel special when they're invited to a meal where eating and drinking are not allowed. "Observers" are cheaper than "partakers" because they come and donate money without consuming anything.

    I should try it the next time I invite guests for dinner.


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