Serious answers please! So i was taking to someone at school today and i said that nowadays i neither believe or disbelieve things (we were talking bout spirits etc) and she said she does north american tarot cards (and that i'd be a good subject(!). So she invited me to the next party and i said ok. Thing is though my jw alarm bells started ringing and my husband freaked about it, so do you think tarot cards are real, a bit of fun, or totally demonised and i should steer clear? I still find that sort of thing freaky but i have always been interested too. But i don't want to get into something if its like ouija boards etc and i might get some ghostie following me home! Can i have some honest answers, if anyone knows anything about it, or if they do them etc, i'd really appreciate it.Thanks!
Tarot cards
by dobbie 11 Replies latest jw friends
DIDn't they originate in the 1400s in Italy?
tarocchio,however the story may be complicated.
I have five sets of Tarot and use them. I've never had a bad experience. If you let your imagination freak you out, ala JW days, you can work yourself up into a bad experience, but no demons live in the cards. As for the cards themselves, I kind of view them as a tool, a "what could be" type of thing, things aren't cast in stone. When I'm looking for answers the cards help me think through all of the alternatives, and allow me to do some introspection.
Its a little different to do readings for others, some have a real gift for that sort of thing.
Thanks Gretchen i don't know much about it i presumed it was fortune telling?Does it tell you stuff like when you are going to die etc cos i'd rather not know!Also is it actually like contacting the spirits cos i don't think i'd want to go that far.
I went to a woman in Fl two times for a reading with Tarot cards. She was right on the money! She herself looked demonized, and her breath for sure was!!!! But I never had a problem after that. I would give it a try. But I know what you mean about the "bells" going off......for some reason that happens to me still, and I have been pretty much out of the org for over 20 years.
How could cards "tell you when you'll die"?
Tarot cards don't "tell" anyone anything. They seem to be a way for some people to work out things that are in their subconscious, though it seems to me people would be far better served to simply ask themselves "hey self, what am I thinking beneath all these feelings?".
I have four decks, one of which I tend to concentrate on. They are simply a tool, and some Psychologists use them. They enable you to look at your life and circumstances in an abstract way.
Tarot cards are a very cleverly made tool. Each card shows an archetypal experience (one that is common to all, love, endings, beginnings etc). You choose however many for whichever spread you choose to use, and the cards help you explore aspects of whatever problem you are wrestling with. If you use them as a tool for self-examination, and don't expect fortune-telling, they can clarify your thinking on your problems. I seldom get mine out any more but they always point the way toward understanding a situation when I do.
No worries about demons at all. Tarot doesn't "tell the future", because the future isn't cast in stone. They work through your subconscious and can indicate possible outcomes of a particular path which you may be currently on. If you don't like the outcome, you can always make adjustments to your path.
OK, I have a HUGE favor. I have made a big decision in my life.....does anyone do any readings??