Hubby and I got on the topic last night. He was wondering what I was eating- a frozen jello pudding cup. I remember getting them at the assemblies, especially the hot summer district assemblies. If you got there early enough for breakfast, you could get a frozen pudding, frozen orange juice, cheese or apple danish---just to name a few.
For some reason, I still LOVE frozen pudding. We started reminscing about our favorites. As a kid, the danish, pudding and the Sunday afternoon drama were your main attractions!
Hubby loved the burritos at the circuit assembly. He even remembers them making doughnuts and french fries! I do not remember those. I know the food wasn't grand or gourmet, but it's amazing how after all these years, it's the only place I ever had frozen pudding and that I still love it. Hubby misses the cheese danish with the frosting on top, they were his favorites. Anybody else have anything they especially remember?