Something creepy just happened here.........................

by Warlock 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nvrgnbk
    Not making fun brother. Just trying to bring you back to reality.LOL!

    Yeah, I know, but I think you would have jumped if you would have been here, no matter what, or who, caused it.


    Yeah I would have jumped and changed my shorts!

  • crazyblondeb

    That was me, making sure I had your attention!!

  • heathen

    It was obviously ......THe Deemonzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz run man run..................... what was the last item you baught at a garage sale????

  • nvrgnbk
    It was obviously ......THe Deemonzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz run man run..................... what was the last item you baught at a garage sale????

    Nicely articulated heathen! run man runLMAO!

  • brunnhilde

    Obviously you have some demonic music in your house, like the guy my dad told me about who listened to Blue Oyster Cult whose hair turned WHITE!!! *SNORT* What a load of tripe!!! Though that IS weird, Warlock, lol. Have you got a cat?

  • restrangled


    Get yourself some nice big Dobermans who are watching out for you every minute. If something is wrong they will let you know. Other wise they sit quietly at your feet.


  • juni

    Warlock - remember where you live? Earthquake?


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Warlock - you had some 'shadow' issues in that same garage not long back right?

    Just sit back and see what they are trying to tell ya'. Buttlight has a video machine to tape 'em, but I don't know if she knows how to use it yet. [LOL]


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Warlock , It's just a theory, cuz I don't know about the timing of this event, in relation to your post on the death thread of blueblades. It seems to me like an entity is watching you and giving confirmation of the afterlife. If this is so, it would appear although startling, to be freindly in nature and wants you to know it's there....again. I think it would be cool to find out what it wants.

  • Satanus

    If it's a spirit, and he wants to get info about it, he could do a meditation focussed on it. Has he got the nerve to do it? If so, it might be a way of getting rid of it.


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