Did You Feel "Good" When You Were Being Persecuted?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I know that as a youngster, I felt pretty good about myself because I remained "faithful" and didn't eat birthday cake while everyone else was enjoying it.......I know of wives that came into the Hall with a black eye "for Jehovah" and were almost deified because of their "stand".

    Were you persecuted for righteousness sake? How did it make you feel?????

  • juni

    Interesting topic Min.

    Yeppers cause that's what I was taught by this religion. They said if you weren't being persecuted for righteousness than you must be doing something wrong - cause the world hates what is not its own.


  • minimus

    It IS sick!!! Little kids, defenseless women, persons with inferiority complexes----all easy marks!

  • Mary
    Were you persecuted for righteousness sake?

    Yep. When I was made fun of in school for not standing for O Canada/God Save the Queen, or when I wasn't allowed to participate in any birthday celebrations or Christmas or Easter.

    How did it make you feel?????

    It made me feel like a worthless piece of garbage and is the main reason why I grew up having no self-esteem. I hated it and certainly never felt "good". Probably because even as a child, I never understood their warped logic for banning all these things.

  • DJK

    Mary said it, as well if not better than I could.

  • minimus

    Mary, you must realize that Jehovah's thoughts are higher than yours.

  • Dismembered

    I felt like an ass at baseball games when they'd do the Star Spangled Banner thing. I had some in the audience say "hey you get up, your supposed to stand!" In retrospect, all for nothing. I despise that religion.


  • Zico

    Yeah, I never felt good about it. I hated that I had to miss out on so much.

  • DJK
    It IS sick!!! Little kids, defenseless women, persons with inferiority complexes----all easy marks!

    You left out the victims of society itself. The alcoholics, drug addicts, the uneducated and people who are mentally incapacitated.

  • journey-on

    And don't forget the guilt you grow up with. On one hand, you feel "oh so spiritually superior" because you aren't participating in their Christmas party in class and you're thinking how Jehovah must despise what they are doing. You're sitting in a corner doing art. The other kids are laughing and opening presents and having fun. (In my day, the kids drew names and exchanged gifts in class. They probably don't do that now.) On the other hand, you're wishing you could partcipate and get presents, too. Then you feel guilty for even thinking such a thing.

    Kids in this org are to be pitied. I remembered the conflict and embarassments and just knew when I had kids, they would not suffer like that.

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