Why does the great crowd go to memorial?

by *jeremiah* 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    Up until 1935 the WTS did teach that the GC or "great multitude" was a secondary heavenly class, that they would not rule as kings or priests but would assist the anointed in heaven.

    *** w03 2/15 p. 19 par. 9 What Does the Lord’s Evening Meal Mean to You? ***in the mid-1930’s. Before then, God’s people viewed the "great crowd" of Revelation 7:9 as a secondary spiritual class that would be associated with the 144,000 resurrected anointed ones in heaven—like bridesmaids or companions of the bride of Christ. (Psalm 45:14, 15; Revelation 7:4; 21:2, 9)

    *** w01 5/15 p. 14 ‘Behold! The Great Crowd!’ ***From the time of the apostle John until our day, Christians had been puzzled about the identity of the "great multitude." The Bible Students regarded the great crowd as a secondary heavenly class, a group that had knowledge of Bible truth but did little about spreading it.

    *** w95 2/1 p. 13 par. 16 A Great Crowd of True Worshipers—From Where Have They Come? ***For a time Jehovah’s servants believed that the great multitude (or, great crowd) of Revelation 7:9, 10 was different from the other sheep of John 10:16 and the sheep of Matthew 25:33. Because the Bible says that they are "standing before the throne," it was thought that they would be in heaven, not on thrones, ruling as joint heirs with Christ, but in a secondary place in front of the throne. They were viewed as less faithful Christians, ones who did not show a spirit of true self-sacrifice.

  • mcsemike

    Blondie, thanks for the info. I think that's what the old sister meant. She was hard to understand so I never quite got her point. Our hall didn't have books that far back so I couldn't check on it. My best to all. Happy Easter. (Or whatever your holiday is coming up.)

  • greendawn

    The non "anointed" dubs go there as fillers to make the place look full. The org then counts their numbers and can boast that though the baptised dubs are only 6 million, 16 million attended the memorial, it makes them look more important. Though the whole thing is pointless why should the "other sheep" bother going there at all, the "anointed" have no distinct function or status in the org.

  • moomanchu

    leolaia said,

    Is it just in case of the rare occasion that an anointed might just show up out of the blue to partake of the bread and wine?

    If an annointed one would just so happen to show up, would they really be an annointed one?

    No, they wouldn't not according to WT standards.

    This would then mean that you are observing an apostate or non-witnesses partake of the emblems.

  • Dunk


    One of the great lies that JW's teach is that their hope to live on a "Paradise Earth" is unique. Actually this belief is in harmony with mainline evangelicalism. Heaven is where we reside prior to receiving glorified bodies. The "New Earth" is our ultimate destination where we will eternally live with Christ in flesh - but with incoruptible perfected bodies.

    There are several scriptures that indicate that the "great crowd" are in heaven. Try Rev 19:6, and then also verse 1. The same Greek word is used as is in Rev. 7. Remember when speaking to JW's that they already believe in "going to heaven." They just don't believe that everyone does.


  • Abandoned
    Why does the great crowd go to the memorial?

    Because the great crud tells them to.

  • Finally-Free
    Why does the great crowd go to memorial?

    Several reasons. To show off the new dress or new tie. For the party afterwards. It's one more night they don't have to be alone with their spouses.

    But mostly because they're told to.


  • Perry

    For the same reasons that they go to meetings.... it makes them feel and appear righteous. It's about them, not the Lord for most.

  • mcsemike

    I wanted to thank everyone who answered my question. I hadn't heard some of the beliefs before.

  • mcsemike

    Has anyone ever gotten to take the wine home? One possible benefit, but at great cost (unless you drank some during the meeting).

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