Up until 1935 the WTS did teach that the GC or "great multitude" was a secondary heavenly class, that they would not rule as kings or priests but would assist the anointed in heaven.
*** w03 2/15 p. 19 par. 9 What Does the Lord’s Evening Meal Mean to You? ***in the mid-1930’s. Before then, God’s people viewed the "great crowd" of Revelation 7:9 as a secondary spiritual class that would be associated with the 144,000 resurrected anointed ones in heaven—like bridesmaids or companions of the bride of Christ. (Psalm 45:14, 15; Revelation 7:4; 21:2, 9)
*** w01 5/15 p. 14 ‘Behold! The Great Crowd!’ ***From the time of the apostle John until our day, Christians had been puzzled about the identity of the "great multitude." The Bible Students regarded the great crowd as a secondary heavenly class, a group that had knowledge of Bible truth but did little about spreading it.
*** w95 2/1 p. 13 par. 16 A Great Crowd of True Worshipers—From Where Have They Come? ***For a time Jehovah’s servants believed that the great multitude (or, great crowd) of Revelation 7:9, 10 was different from the other sheep of John 10:16 and the sheep of Matthew 25:33. Because the Bible says that they are "standing before the throne," it was thought that they would be in heaven, not on thrones, ruling as joint heirs with Christ, but in a secondary place in front of the throne. They were viewed as less faithful Christians, ones who did not show a spirit of true self-sacrifice.