Why can't he let himself be happy?

by emilyblue 49 Replies latest social relationships

  • emilyblue

    I'm in love with a man who is a Witness. I am a pretty inactive Protestant, meaning my parents were only able to drag me to church twice a year on Christmas Eve and Easter morning. He told me early into our relationship that he wanted to marry me and spend the rest of his life with me, and that he has never felt the love for anyone else like he does for me. He's been married and divorced twice, both times to Witnesses, but the marriages didn't work because neither one of his wives were "doing what God says" they should do, as far as giving him headship. When we first became involved, he told me he was a Witness, but he didn't attend meetings because he knew that he was going to have to confess his sin of having sex with me to his elders. I was a little freaked by this, but he said he didn't have to say who he had sex with and he wouldn't tell my identity. His religion never seemed to be an issue, other than he was disturbed about me celebrating holidays and relentlessly went on and on about their pagan origins.

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago. All of a sudden, religion is an issue. He can't bear the thought of me being like Lot's wife and dying because I celebrate false religions. This started when I brought cupcakes to my class on Dr. Suess's birthday to kick off our readathon. We have had fights here and there, like in any relationship, and he feels God cannot bless our relationship until I become a Witness, baptized and everything, including knocking on doors. I went to the Kingdom Hall, not his because he has been reproved and is not supposed to be dating, several times and it was very boring. The people were extremely friendly, but the Watchtower lecture is excruciating and simple-minded. I am currently in a bible study with an older lady who is very nice but told me that I should consider wearing skirts to meetings.

    Last week he found a book about Josephine Bonapart, Napolean's wife, on my bookshelf. He opened it up to a page on which a voodoo priestess predicted she would one day be queen. It freaked him out and I had to remove the book from my apartment. He then told me the next day that while I was out walking my dogs, he heard a cell phone ringing in my apt, except there was no cell phone there. Then he went home and had a really bad dream. He thinks evil spirits are attempting to contact me since I stopped going to meetings and keep cancelling my bible study. Then he distanced himself after I said that was ridiculous and it was probably just job stress causing him to imagine things.

    I'm so torn. I love this man. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. But I dont' know if my love for him can withstand the WTS nonsense that has such a hold over him. He has two distinct personalities. Sometimes he is the brilliant, funny man I fell in love with and the next day he is wracked with guilt and pressuring me to become a Witness, even though it would go against every fiber of my being. I'm pretty lazy and could never attend three meetings a week and NEVER would be able to knock on strangers' doors. Now he says that since I have knowledge of what is right, it means my life if I continue celebrating holidays. It's messing with my head. I just love him so much but can't take this. it's just one big cycle. He becomes super-religious, I make up my mind that it's over, one of us breaks down and calls the other, we get back together and are very happy for about 1-2 weeks, then his guilt takes over again and he pressures me into going to meetings. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm not sure if I can lead a normal life with this man, but then I don't know if I would ever enjoy life without him. I just can't make a decision on what to do and it's causing me so much pain.

  • Abandoned

    No offense, but how many red flags do you need?

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult. They indoctrinate their followers using mind-control tactics. According to his beliefs, he is slapping God in the face just dating you. He may be a great guy in many ways, but he has his REAL personality, the one you fell in love with and the one that comes out when you two are really communicating and the CULT personality. That's the one that freaks out over headship, books, birthdays, holidays, demons, and many other things. You can probably see it in his face and notice it in his voice when he switches between the two. The sad part is that until he realizes he is in a cult, he probably won't get the help he needs.

    Good luck.

  • blondie

    Emilyblue, it sounds like you have invested some time and emotion in this relationship with this man.

    I am getting bad vibes. He has been divorced twice from JW women. He blames it on "headship" issues. Yet he is the one that has knowingly had sex with you knowing it was against his religion. Now he is going to confess but is he going to resume your physical relationship? Then his confession is of no value before God.

    I would get out of this relationship and find a better one. You may find yourself bullied into becoming a JW, married to a controlling man.

    Love, Blondie

  • nvrgnbk
    Sometimes he is the brilliant, funny man I fell in love with and the next day he is wracked with guilt and pressuring me to become a Witness, even though it would go against every fiber of my being.

    I feel your pain emilyblue. He can't help it, he's the victim of a masterful cult.

    Good luck negotiating this. Just remember, true unconditional love will always prevail.


  • emilyblue

    I don't know how many red flags I need. I know that's pretty pathetic. Each time something happens, I tell myself that's rock bottom, but it never is. I know that he had a horrible childhood. His mom has been married and divorced 4 times and a couple of the guys were abusive. His adulthood hasn't been easy, either. He works in an industry that is very unstable right now, and he's had five or six jobs this year that haven't worked out. His first wife left him right after his son was born, and his son means everything to him. He gets depressed at the end of every visitation and hates having to take his son home. I just want him to be happy. When I'm able to make him happy, he lights up a room. But it's hard to keep him that way for long, because he thinks about EVERYTHING too much and is overly analytical. I can't figure out how someone as intellectually smart as he is can believe all the things he does. He was born into the JW religion, so that must be why.

    It's funny you mention about actually seeing the change between his normal vs. cult personalities. It's true. His whole face and demeanour changes. He either sounds robotic or very, very serene and at peace when he discusses his beliefs. He loves looking up scripture to support his beliefs whenever I have tried to debate certain things with him.

    We stopped having actual sex last summer after he became too torn up about it. We still mess around though, and last month we did have sex. I felt so close to him again after that, but of course he started beating himself up about it the next day. He said that he only did it because he was physically ill (he had heartburn) and when he went to buy Pepto Bismol, the condoms were right there so he bought some. He also said that he thinks his holy spirit left him after he did that with me. Wow thanks. That really made me feel wonderful about myself.

    Thinking about all the crap I have gone through really makes me feel like a total idiot. I must have issues of my own to be willing to deal with this. But I love this guy and want so badly to help him. I keep thinking how will I feel if I give up on him and then see him out and about with some other woman who was able to stick it out and stand by him and help him through this. I don't want to give up on him.

  • emilyblue

    When I try to tell him that I am concerned that this is a high mind-control group, he laughs and asks me how I can think the JW's are a cult when they are just doing what the Bible says? I don't know how to respond to that because he is able to support all of his beliefs with scriptures from the Bible until it actually starts making sense to me. That's the scariest thing of all. I have a fear that before I know it, I'll be telling my family I don't celebrate Christmas anymore and knocking on people's doors on Saturday morning. I've considered "faking" it just to keep the peace and maintain our relationship, but it makes me feel very resentful. I work my butt off all day, and then I have to endure an hour and half bible study which isn't really even a study of the bible just to keep this guy? I don't know exactly what I am working so hard for.

  • Abandoned
    I don't know how many red flags I need. I know that's pretty pathetic. Each time something happens, I tell myself that's rock bottom, but it never is. I know that he had a horrible childhood. His mom has been married and divorced 4 times and a couple of the guys were abusive. His adulthood hasn't been easy, either. He works in an industry that is very unstable right now, and he's had five or six jobs this year that haven't worked out.

    It's sweet of you to want to stand by your man during tough times. I respect you for it. I do suggest you read up on mind-control cults so you know what you are getting into. Two great books are Combatting Cult Mind Control and Releasing the Bonds, both by Steven Hassan.

    This may be your partner for life. I don't know, but do yourself a favor and find out what you're up against.

  • nvrgnbk

    Just like Abandoned and Blondie said:

    RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!emilyblue.

    Life doesn't have to be so complicated. You deserve better. Love yourself and things should get a little more clear for you.


  • Odrade

    emilyblue, you are in a relationship with an abuser who happens to be a JW. The JW attitude towards women is bad enough all by itself without adding an abusive mentality. He is emotionally abusive and controlling towards you, JWism is simply the vehicle through which he is attempting to control you by means of guilt. Get out. Now. It will hurt a lot less than it will if you stay.

    I know you're new here and don't know me from anyone, but trust me when I say I'm not a Chicken Little. Your story makes me want to reach through this screen and shake you awake.

  • SirNose586
    When I try to tell him that I am concerned that this is a high mind-control group, he laughs and asks me how I can think the JW's are a cult when they are just doing what the Bible says?

    Well, if you come up with your own version of the Bible, I guess you can do whatever it says and claim you're going by it.

    It sounds like he is a pro at scripture-hopping to prove his JW doctrines. The trouble is, they can't explain their wackier theories, that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BC, from the Bible alone. They've got to make leaps in logic, and rely on a date that has no archaelogical support, to support their main doctrine, which is the 1914/1919 doctrine.

    The dude sounds bipolar to me.

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