The faithful and discreet slave

by Ryan1 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Even the Watchtower Society acknowledges it was Maria Russell (C.T.Russell's wife) who came up with the peculiar doctrine of the FDS.

    Over the years it proved useful.

    If you substitute the FDS for the Pope you see how the parallel is quite stunning!

    The Pope has the authority to make pronouncements regarding faith and morals and cannot be disputed. So too the FDS.

    The big split between the Catholic Church as an institution and Protestantism was over one thing: AUTHORITY.

    The Catholic Church reserves the right to guide all christians through the Majesterium of the Pope's authority.

    The Protestants say god speaks DIRECTLY to each faithful christian through scripture (Sola Scriptura) or the bible alone.

    Maria Russell latched on to this device and made the "understanding" of the FDS identical with Majesterium.

    The subsequent application of C.T.Russell was not Maria's idea. Oh no! She thought that, because of the marriage bond she and Pastor Russell were BOTH the FDS!

    C.T. Russell quietly adopted the view that HE ALONE was, indeed, the only one through whom Jehovah spoke.

    This presented a problem when he died, naturally!

    Rutherford let this stand for awhile and distanced himself from that doctrine gradually by applying it to, ostensibly, the entire GROUP of anointed. This was a little closer to Maria's understanding (of more than one). Yet, it wasn't REALLY what Rutherford ended up doing.

    Rutherford was the ONLY person who could tell the others what to say and print!

    This awkward doctrine has been shaped gradually and makes little sense if you get right down to the nitty gritty of it!

    The FDS is a ploy to allow a group of old men in Brooklyn to tell people all over the world what to think and how to act while pretending it comes directly from Jehovah himself through the agency of Jesus (and his established kingdom.)

    In reality, all the errors, misunderstandings, false doctrines, wrong-headed predictions indicate these people (FDS) know absolutely nothing about anything!! It has been demonstrated time and again.

    But, we aren't allowed to question this authority any more than a good catholic can question the Pope!

  • Terry

    Sacred Tradition or Holy Tradition is a technical theological term used in some Christian traditions, primarily in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions, to refer to the fundamental basis of church dogma. The term refers to the "deposit of faith" that these churches hold was communicated by Jesus Christ to his first followers, and which they hold has been passed down (Latin tradere, to hand over or hand down) through succeeding generations. The church as a community, therefore, was the initial receiver, and has remained the guardian and codifier, of Sacred Tradition. In the theology of these churches, Sacred Scripture (the Bible), is the written part of this larger tradition, recording (albeit sometimes through the work of individual authors) the community's experience of God or more specifically of Jesus Christ. Hence the Bible must be interepreted within the context of Sacred Tradition and within the community of the church. Sacred Tradition, and thus Sacred Scripture as well, are "inspired," another technical theological term indicating that they contain and communicate the truths of faith and morals God intended to make known for mankind's salvation.

    This is in contrast to many Protestant traditions, which believe that the Bible alone is an adequate and complete basis for all Christian teaching (a position known as "Sola Scriptura") and that an individual Christian alone can interpret the Bible .

    It doesn't take a genius to see the Watchtower Society uses the identical argument for its own authority that the Catholic church has used for hundreds of years!

    Protestants use the bible alone (sola scriptura) while the Catholic church maintains God uses them by imparting authority to speak (majesterium) through one channel only!

    Maria Russell (C.T.Russell's wife) applied this Catholic doctrine to herself and her husband. Pastor Russell discreetly acknowledged it about himself.

    J.F.Rutherford expanded it to include all anointed (at his whim) and the FDS gradually became just a few "particular" anointed (Governing Body members).

    Today this doctrine is fuzzy and distorted far beyond its original description. The bible is only written to the anointed, we are told and it is by associating with the anointed and listening to the specific pronouncement of the elite FDS in Broolyn that non-anointed can be saved.

    Thus, the Other Sheep have two redeemers and two channels to go through: the FDS and Jesus.

    The Watchtower Society exactly copies the argument of the Catholic Church by asserting a TRADITION of linkage of all important christians through the ages from Abel to Martin Luther, etc. This ridiculous argument serves them well as it has served Catholics.

    The FDS doctrine is little understood by the average JW sitting in a Kingdom Hall. Any explanation given about WHO is anointed and who isn't will be met with gibberish, mumbo jumbo and mystical nonsense!

    "They just know" is the bottom line!

    The Watchtower Society has extreme problems with this doctrine and wishes it could get away from it because the number of remaining anointed (the remnant) is SUPPOSED TO DECREASE TO A VANISHINGLY SMALL NUMBER and this is supposed to parallel the END TIMES approach to Armageddon!

    It doesn't!

    This should be very embarassing and it is!

    The Governing Body has been working on solving this problem for decades.

    Stay Tuned to see with what they think up next as the wriggle away from the implications of yet more and more and more NEW anointed being added to the roster!

  • LittleToe

    ~raises hand~

    Another excommunicated one, here. I barely see my family because of this (I'm the Eldest of four, and my parents are still living), and it caused my marriage to end in divorce.

  • Mad

    Why were you DFed, Little Toe?

  • Euphemism

    Ryan... first off, welcome to the site.

    I'd suggest your read the Personal Experiences section. You'll find lots and lots of people who were excommunicated (aka disfellowshipped), or who resigned (disassociated) from the church rather than face excommunication, all because of questioning the authority of the Governing Body or 'Slave', The Witnesses call the offense 'apostasy'.

    As others have mentioned, technically the two terms are different. Narkissos (another poster who was disfellowshipped for 'apostasy') explains it very well in this post: the Governing Body govern in the name of the Faithful and Discreet Slave, just as the President of a republic governs in the name of the people. The difference is that the Governing Body is not elected; it evolved out of the Board of Directors of the Watchtower Society (a non-profit publishing company), which was appointed by the President of the Society; and since then, they've appointed their own successors. The succession has not been openly contested since 1917.

    On a more personal note, most of us--myself included--who are disfellowshipped or disassociated have little to do with our Witness families, by their choice. Again, read the Personal Experiences section; you will find a heart-breaking number of stories.

  • LittleToe

    I wasn't DFed, I DAed. But I'm still excommunicated.

  • Ryan1

    Just to clarify and make sure I understand.

    1) The slave is made up of 144,000 that reside in heaven.

    2) The governing body or board members of the Jehovah's Witness call the shots. If you question their "authority" you get excommunicated.

    The reason I asked is because I heard conflicting information. I have a clearer picture of their leadership structure. Thank you for your help.

  • minimus

    No....the Slave is made up of whomever is living on earth at any given time throughout the centuries. So, any of the 144,000 who are awaiting heaven qualify.

  • Ryan1

    How do you guys keep all of that straight??

  • LittleToe

    Nearly right.

    The 144,000 (also called the "anointed") are supposed to rule in heaven with Christ.

    The "faithful slave" is a small subset of these and is the Governing Body.

    As one of the "anointed" you can get excommunicated by the "faithful slave" or its representatives (often non-anointed Elders).

    Been there, done that...

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