My life's been slowly going in the crapper lately. I am growing more and more hateful of this stupid cult, as well as deeply depressed and borderline suicidal. My mother in law has for a long time been emailing a brother who i had a falling out with. His emails are nothing but destructive and hateful towards me. But he puts it in a nice tone. My mother in law being gullible believes him over me or my wife because he is a ministerial servant. His word is gold!
He has her convinced that I'm a lazy selfish man who has left Jehovah. I recently moved here and in the process let my wife stay with her mother tell i get things situated up here. Her mother has now turned her against me. I don't understand how Jehovah's Witnesses are so cold, how you can switch off your emotions like a flip of a switch. I mean nothing anymore.... I can't admit I was always the best husband, but I always made sure we had the necessities, and I never beat or harmed my wife. I simply didn't go to meetings. But no, my word means nothing, I'm not revered with a title. My wife will never see the light about the watchtower. She is too afraid of being eternally cut off at armageddon and not being able to have her pet lions.
So what have I learned in life? Even your own wife will leave you over the Watchtower Cult. She says she separated from me because I endanger her spirituality. She hasn't loved me for a long time, she has no respect for me, and she doesn't trust me. She has no remorse, I am dead to her. She wishes she had scriptural grounds to divorce me.
Thank you Jehovah's Witnesses for f***ng up my life, raping my friends from me, my family from me, my wife from me, and my livelihood from me. You promise love and peace, but only breed hate and resentment. Your days of mind domination are shortly numbered, and not short enough was your reign of terror on the minds and hearts of your victims.
With a heavy heart ~ ROFLCopter
A Depressed Update In Life.
by roflcopter 11 Replies latest jw friends
OK, let's go through the stress index.
- Wife leaving
- Move to new town
- Between employment
Yup, right up there. It's important when this kind of crap is going down not to make any huge decisions. Carry on one day at a time for while; hour by hour if you have to. The important thing to remember, regardless how you are feeling, that it will not always be like this. Look at Abandoned's example. On February 22 he'd given up. By March 5 he was on the top of the world.
Sorry to see you going through a hard time with your family. Give it some time and try to focus on taking care of yourself. The best way to defeat the Witnesses is to show how well you can do without them. Best of luck.
Dave -
Rof- I hate to say it- but if your wife takes that stand (unless you're not telling the whole story!), you're better off without her, and the phony brothers. Don't lose faith in the Almighty, endure, and all will turn out much better than before. Lose faith, and your situation will get worse still.
Hey buddy, I know this has to hurt right now and pain sucks. Take some time to come to terms with that. Things do get better though. Right now, your world has been torn apart. I don't have an excellent history of letting go the past and getting over rejection in a smooth, sensible manner, but I have learned that awesome things await if you can let what's gone go. Think about it. Do you really want to live the rest of your life with someone who has been trained to turn off their emotions like that? Yikes! That would be an emotional roller-coaster. Plus, you shouldn't have to work for someone's affections.
There's someone out there who sees the important issues just like you do. I can't properly describe the pleasure of being in the company of someone who gets you. They understand what you're going to say next. You laugh at the same corny jokes in the same b-movie. The person who is going to love you no matter what is going to do that. It isn't going to be conditional and you aren't going to have to prove anything to them. They get you. And, in my experience, you find them when you're not looking. You run across them doing the things you love. They're doing the things they love and Whammo!
Anyway, take care and get some counseling if you need it, but look for beauty beyond. It's there.
Frannie Banannie
Sounds like your wife's "love" was only skin deep, Roflcopter. This whole situation is going to make YOU come out with the better end of the deal. Give it time. You'll rediscover your zest for living. Honest.
Thank you everyone. It feels better for me to talk about it and vent. It's too hard for me to bottle things up, it just hurts more.
I can't believe i am now the evil apostate. =( I told my wife many times I didn't want to talk about spirituality with her because I was afraid of this. She knew my stand stand for the "truth(puke)"..
Some may not believe me. but it is true her family is VERY hardcore dubs. I know the guilt trip they have been playing on her these past 2 years. I know about the hateful emails about me, how I'm such a horrible guy for leaving the "loving spirit directed organization." God, just reading those words makes me want to puke.
I refuse to put my blinders on and step foot in a kingdom hall. I am not one to be led around blindly. I can see things for what they are. I was NEVER a "good witness" so to speak. I think she talked to the elders and they might have also told her she has spiritual grounds for separation.
All i know is, I predicted this. I had a very bad feeling about letting her visit her mother. We left with big smiles a warm hug and kiss. Now I am a lowlife worldly man who has rejected the almighty. =/ -
My current favorite song/saying (I believe Churchhill said it first) "If you're going through hell, keep on going." The song says don't even let the devil know you're there. . .This is something you predicted, you are more ready for the consequences than you realize right now. Take a deep breath! Worst case scenario. People go through divorce-both uglier and prettier-all the time. You can overcome this, and you will. Look how long you were able to put up with the nonsense already. I don't want to dismiss your wife or your feelings for her though. If you think your relationship can overcome this, then do everything you can, reasonably, to salvage it. If playing the WT game will kill your spirit-don't do it. Your wife deserves more than a dead man-even if she is hardcore JW. YOU deserve to find what more there can be in be in this life. And if you can't while in the org. then you need to figure out what it is that you can offer and give up at this point. ((((<3)))) I wish you love my friend, no matter what-don't settle for less!
Does your wife know you saw these emails?
Are you going to tell your wife honestly how this is making you feel?