*** be (2002) p. 70 par. 2 Know How You Ought to Answer ***
When called on to comment, keep your remarks simple, clear, and brief. Do not cover the entire paragraph; address just one point. If you give only part of the answer, that will allow others the opportunity to give additional comments. It is especially beneficial to highlight the scriptures cited in the material. When doing so, endeavor to draw attention to the portion of the text that bears on the point under consideration. Learn to comment in your own words rather than reading directly from the paragraph. Do not become disturbed if a comment you make does not come out exactly right. That happens occasionally to everyone who comments.
*** sg (1992) study 18 p. 91 par. 4 Improving Your Answers ***
If you are the first one to comment on a question, it is usually good to come to grips with it, giving a direct answer. But if someone has already answered the question, do not feel that the discussion has to end there. For additional comments on the same question, you can do any of these things: Enlarge on the answer, show how scriptures in the paragraph bear on the answer, or point out how the matter being discussed affects our own lives. If the material is about world conditions or practices of false religion, you might comment on an experience or local situation that highlights the truthfulness of what the paragraph says. This enriches the discussion.