by compound complex 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Arthur

    I agree with you guys, I think that ISOCF is truly an excellent book - a must read for any ex-JW. In my opinion, it just might be better than Crisis of Conscience. I think that it is more powerful than COC in that COC was mostly a collection of accounts of the controversies within the Governing Body and Brooklyn headquarters. The average JW reader could dismiss much of it as "one-sided" exagerations or fabrications.

    However, ISOCF addresses the core foundational doctrines of the JW organization and deconstructs them scripturally. Franz does an excellent job in taking apart the concepts behind the organizational structure, the governing body concept, and the Faithful Slave doctrine. Not only does he document particularly damning articles, but he also shows the fallacies of these doctrines using the Scriptures. His Scriptural presentations cannot be so easily dismissed by JWs.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    NEXT: "Strict neutrality" - appearances count more than reality. JW prisoners in Israel refuse uniforms and go about in their underclothes.

  • Sasha

    Both of his books made me see the light, that's for sure!!!!! Can't say enough about them. A must read for anyone on the borderline before considering Baptism into the organization.

  • MsMcDucket

    I'm pissed at the world today! Did Franz have anything to do with saying blacks were inferior and that they were going to turn white in the "New System"? I don't want to support any racist! Damn it! I've all ready bought the book. I haven't read it yet. *sigh* But you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll check into it before I do something like this again!

  • MeneMene

    MsMcDucket - I believe those quotes were from either Russell or Rutherford's writings in the early 1900s - long before Raymond's time.

    I first saw the quotes on this website - - Spiritual Food at the Proper Time. It's a very long list about many subjects but worth the read.

    Looks like they start in 1898 on the list.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    Thank you for your comments. Please see below for more information from ISOCF, "Legalism - Opponent of Christian Freedom," page 273:

    I think of this [Daniel and his three companions' responding to their pagan names when addressed] when recalling some of the extreme measures Witnesses have felt obliged to take to demonstrate "strict neutrality," "complete separateness from the world," primarily as a result of the organization's highly sensitizing them by its categorizing policies. There is an inordinate concern for how things will APPEAR, rather than what the reality is. In the modern state of Israel, Witnesses who refused military service were imprisoned. They were issued military clothing to wear. Whatever the APPEARANCE may have been, the REALITY was that they were prisoners due to their stand. Nonetheless, they refused to wear the garments and some even went around in their underclothes rather than put on such clothing. One Governing Body suggestion was that they might wear it turned inside out to register their objection. Yet how much more is a NAME viewed as an identification than is a uniform, and Daniel's responding to the name Belteshazzar could not but come to mind. He knew that this appelative did not change what he was and, when a genuine issue arose, was willing to DEMONSTRATE what he was, though it meant facing death in a den of lions. (Daniel 6:6-23) Had he been governed by Watch Tower indoctrination and policy, he surely would not have displayed such a balanced, discerning viewpoint. [emphasis: R.F.]

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Somewhat related is the way in which the Watch Tower organization now uses abstention from celebration of various holidays (or even birthdays) as evidence of superior righteousness. I still am not a celebrator of those holidays, yet I recognize that an exaggerated importance has been attached to them, with celebration or non-celebration being viewed as determining whether one is a practicer of pure worship or is worthy of disfellowshipment. [ibid., p. 275.]

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Much is made of the "pagan origin" of various practices and items connected with some of the holidays. [49] Yet, realistically, any "pagan" significance these may once have had has long since disappeared. I remember in the 1970s giving a talk that discussed the need not to go overboard in these matters, pointing out, among other things, that the very days of the week (in English) involve the names of pagan objects of worship, the sun, the moon, and of the gods and goddesses Twi, Woden, Thor, Frei and Saturn. The same is true of many of the names of months. [50] Yet today we employ those names without the slightest thought of their "pagan origin." Actually, most persons are totally unaware of their "pagan" source. This is similarly true of the various decorations and customs connected with many holidays.


    pages 18-20.

    50 These include use of the two-faced god Janus, Februa
    (a pagan feast of purification), Mars (god of war), and Maia
    (a Roman goddess).

  • purplesofa

    I tried reading this book right after Crisis of Conscience and could not get in to it. I think I was in overload.

    I am going to try again.

    Thanks for the reminder.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Purps,

    I quite agree; I often find myself on sensory overload and likewise back off when my mind starts bubbling over. And you are welcome for the reminder. I needed to remind myself to get back on track. You never know who will be reading and benefit.


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