How much did this set the Borg back and is this normal practice?

by Crumpet 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Clam

    The hardware has got big limitations though. It's hardly any use in hemorrhages or after massive blood loss in such events as auto accidents. Mrs. Clam, (a midwife) not so long ago had a patient suffer a post partum hemmorhage where 24 units had to be replaced as quickly as possible.

    Not sure how the Dubs are raising this money. Maybe they're throwing charity events such as vicars and tarts parties.

  • Gill

    Wow Clam! 24 units of blood! These are the kind of stories that make me shiver because you know any JW would have an automatic death sentence when they could have been saved.

    It would be interesting to know how the money was raised. Though I suspect that fear of dying should they ever need surgery would soon empty the pockets of many JWs.

  • Crumpet
    Hehe, I never thought of it that way. A bloodsucking cult is encouraging its members to pay for a bloodsucking machine!

    Clam in consideration of the above - maybe a Vampires and Virgins party would be more apt?

  • JWdaughter

    I'm just glad that they are doing something useful to mitigate the damage they do in the area of blood. And that they donate SOMETHING to the community.

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    This goes to show the laughable stupidity of this organization, what if the patient has massive blood loss due to an accident, are the doctors going to instill blood expanders to the patent no of

    course not, the patient needs massive amounts of blood transfusions to save the persons life or they will die and they do, ...................the shameful things men do when trying to play god.

  • MeneMene

    What jumps out at me is the publicity they are freely accepting for their 'gifts'.

    Remember years ago - they said we're not supposed to put our name on gifts at a baby shower or wedding so that we don't bring attention to ourself - or something like that.

  • zagor

    Yup, it is true, same goes on downunder

  • Crumpet
    Remember years ago - they said we're not supposed to put our name on gifts at a baby shower or wedding so that we don't bring attention to ourself - or something like that.

    Tell me you are joking!! Seriously? How the hell can you say thank you for any presents if you do not know who they are from. How utterly ridiculous - this is just to shield the tight wad elders who don't want to buy nice gifts!

    Anyway - apparently God left a whole frigging book announcing his gifts to us! Are we supposed to ignore his example and that of his alleged son now?

  • Clam

    Hey Crumpet I sure do like the sound of that Vampires and Virgins party. You win a prize of two keyrings for coming up with the idea.


  • BluesBrother
    I wonder how many JWs prepare ahead for their medical treatment?

    in the UK ? very few would afford , or wish to pay for private additional health insurance. (Hey, we are going to live forever so whats the problem?)

    The State National Insurance Scheme takes a cut of everybody's salary and we all pay to maintain the mainstream hospitals and treatment is free at the point of service . Only the wealthy or those with employers who provide it as a perk, pay for "Private Medicine"

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