I'm at a friends for lunch today. my friend is cooking when we here DING DONG, SO he asks me to answer the door. I open the door, and 2 dubs ask me if i would like to come to the memorial of jesus? so i play stupid. and ask WHAT'S THAT? is that like the last supper? oh yes it's the observance of his death. wow that's great the last supper. so what are you guys serving? jw: NOTHING. ME; OH I FORGOT, jesus only served bread and wine at the last supper. do i need to bring a box of mattohz (sp) unleaven bread} and a bottle of kosher style grape wine, or do you have enough for everybody? jw: we have no wine or bread. me: what no wine and bread what kind of last supper is this? jw: no we just pass it around, do you want to come.? one jw is trying to look up a verse . so i ask to see her bible. i turn to john 6; 49-70 and read it real slow. jesus says here. ANYONE that eats his bread and wine. will have everlasting life. i point out the word ANYONE to the jw's he that don't eat has no life in himself. he that eats will be ressurected on the last day. then i ask the jw's if they want everlasting life, to be ressurected on the last day etc. jw: WERE NOT HERE TO ARGUE WITH YOU!!! me: all i did was read you a passage from christ himself. your not argueing with me your argueing with JESUS. it was his words i read not mine. JW; DO YOU WANT TO COME OR NOT? why would i want to come and watch a bunch of people reject the commandment of christ , that's nothing more than a satanic ritual. i guess your not a christian. what group are you with? JW: were jehovah witnesses blab blab... me: well that explains it. jesus clearly said in mt 7 beware of false prophets dressed as sheep that are really wolves. coming TO YOU TO DECIEVE IN THE name of christ. and it was you knocking at my door, bring me a false gospel. jesus talked about your type. care to explain the false prophecies of 1914,1925, 1975? they are getting pissed , and keep saying bye. i ask where are you going ? i'm the only person on the street that even opened the door for you. here's your big chance to shine. and get in some quality TIME IN FOR YOUR FIELD SERV. SLIP? why are you getting mad? come back tuesday night and i'll give you a bible study. as they walked away tail between their legs. i told them i'll pray jesus removes the scales from their eyes. and stop worshipping a magazine co. there was more , but i buried them. and i never yelled. john
DING-DONG. it's an invite to the memorial
by johnny cip 10 Replies latest jw friends
In my best East Indian Accent.."Johnny Cip,you are a bad man.A vedy,vedy bad man!!"..LOL!!..That`s priceless!..I like to have fun with them too..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Well said, they have a cheek inviting the public to their memorial where all they do is pass the bread and wine around with no one or virtually no one taking anything, declaring they that they are lost to the New Covenent and salvation.
Nathan Natas
Johnny, I am IN AWE of you.
Double Edge
did you take pictures.....?
Good job Johnny
Sounds like the Spirit just took over. That's the best witness I've heard in quite some time!
Johnny Cip, you are the man!
Just got mine this week, too. My husband (never been a witness) answered the door and they gave it to him. Then, they had the nerve to ask him when they could come back and talk to me about a matter. I have been inactive for four years and they think that they still have the right to come in my home and tell me what to do and how to live. I don't think so!! Their high pressure "community" canvasing this year is the height of arrogance in my book, because they do not accept anyone who does not worship the way they do. I can't believe I ever connected with such a prideful, self-righteous group,,
Yahoo- Johnny you're the man! I love seeing that blank look on the JW's face when they know they have been "had"! Johnny does know how to mix it up - a nice guy today , but look out.- He might have to open up a can of whupp ass on a Mr Know-it-all JW tomorrow!! ! Notice how JW's get defensive and accuse anyone who gets the upper hand on them in a discussion of, arguing with them. Sometimes they say "this isn't a productive conversation"- translation - you are too smart for me and you caught me in a lie, so I'm leaving.