Hello everyone. I have a question. Does anyone know when the first bible was printed? Is it a story of fables or stories? What proof is there that we should believe the stories listed. Thank you.
Bible Question...
by tan 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
I have A question.
Does anyone know when the first bible was printed? QUESTION 1 Guttenberg? Middle Ages
Is it a story of fables or stories? QUESTION 2 Yes IMHO Some History too
What proof is there that we should believe the stories listed?. QUESTION 3 absolutely none
Here's a Christian apologetics website that has a section on the Bible: http://www.carm.org/bible.htm
Does anyone know when the first bible was printed? QUESTION 1 Guttenberg? Middle Ages
1455, but in view of the following questions I suspect tan didn't mean "printed"...
If the question is about the Bible before the (Western) invention of printing, one must distinguish between individual short texts or fragments (a precious few possibly dating to the early 1st millenium BC, e.g. Judges 5), entire books or collections of books (e.g. the Torah, the book of Isaiah, the Twelve Prophets, all edited as such after the Babylonian exile, late 6th to 2nd century BC, or the Pauline letters as collected by Marcion in the 2nd century AD), and the final process of canonisation (2nd century AD for the Jewish Bible, 4th century AD for the Christian Bible including the New Testament). Afaik something that resembles a "Bible," i.e. the physical reunion of all into one book is first attested with the Christian codices (codex), in the 4th century AD -- but the detailed contents still vary at that stage..