I am planning a three week RV camping trip out west and back in June. We want to see some dinosaur digs,redwood trees, Yellowstone National park, the Grand Canyon, my two grown kids and our two granddaughters. 6000 miles in 3 weeks- and I don't even want to think about the gasoline bill!
What are your vacation/holiday plans this year?
by moshe 19 Replies latest jw friends
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
That sounds like a blast.
My husband and I, just minutes ago, bought airline tix, our first vacation in about 11 years. . .going to San Francisco for a few days, and midweek to boot. Haven't been there in about 20 years, I remember it being a lovely city.
Then, in June we're going to Gettysburg, PA for my husband's grandmother's 90th B-day!
Hooray for vacations.
I believe I'm going to be taking a (possible permanent) vacation to Pennsylvania.
I am taking the RV on a road trip to Yellowstone and then driving around there to see the Grand Tetons, Jackson Hole Wyoming, and a few other historical places. We were going to make one of the stops to see my mother, who we told in advance that we were coming, but she can not change her District Convention dates. My spouse could not be happier, I thought it was funny too ... since she always begs for us to come and claims she would do anything to make time for when ever we would.
So far I have 2 mountain bike camping trips planned for May and June. Plus the wife and I will be going to Myrtle Beach, SC sometime after she graduates.
I love sitting around a campfire with good friends drinking strawberry moonshine. Oh yeah, the mountain biking is great too.
Well I just came back from one but I am planing to go to San Diego and San Francisco sometimes in next couple of months hopefully to check few things and in august maybe head to Europe.
I think you will have an awesome time - but 6000 miles - eeek! How many of you drive? Couldn;t you condense it a bit. The redwood park and Grand Canyon are awesome as is Yosemite - haven't been to Yellowstone I don't think...
I think my vacation plans have been publicised enough ---- but hey what the heck!
Mr. Bee and I will be leaving next week for a 10-day biking/cruise up the Mississippi. We've biked - across Holland the year before last and last year through the Dordogne region with6 friends - fab! - but this time the biking will be combined with a cruise on the Delta Queen. My first cruise!
In the fall, we're booked through to London so far, and from there possibly Tuscany and more biking, which is a wonderful way to see places and offset the holiday caloric intake at the same time!
I forgot about Mountain Bikes, Hecklerboy- I have always wanted to go to one of those ski resorts that hauls your bike on the lift to the top and then you just coast/pedal your way down the trail back down to the lodge- have lunch and then go back up and do a different trail. So much to do and so little time!
My wife and I are leaving for a 7 day cruise on April 15 on Royal to the eastern southern cruise and then on July 7 we leave for a 12 day on Royal Mederterrain Cruise in Rome, France, Ehesus, Greece and Sanotorni Is, then three days in Barcelona, then we are also going to Myrtle Beach this summer, a wedding for our one daugher, then perhaps a Hawaii Cruise at the end of the year.
I love to travel