My name is mark.Myself and my wife both dissassociated ourselves last week we were both brought up jws.We have not fallen foul of jws teachings or laws but because we were inactive we were both treated like rubbish by my family.We live in the same town as my family my father is the po.I have done more for my parents then any other of my brothers or sisters.I have five children.
My mother put a letter in my letterbox stating that if i wanted to be part of there family then i would have to return to jehovah.
All i can say is it does get better with time.The longer you are out of jws the more normal life becomes.Jws are not normal it isnt normal to ignore your own flesh and blood family comes first.
I strongly believe that jws will be almost extinct in 20 years as the older ones die out.
Family play such an important role in our life so to lose your family is sad.If you remain sad then jws will be happy its the told you so mentality.
Good luck getout there live life it will take time maybe a long time but at the end of the day you will get over it