Can a brother buy his way eldership ?

by KAYTEE 25 Replies latest jw friends


    Can brothers buy their way to stardom (eldership)

    Have you known anyone who got to being an elder because of his financial status or by having a broker working for him.

    I knew a brother who had been out of the Borg for many years, who on his return purchased a carpet for the Kingdom Hall.

    This must have prompted the elders to see his spiritual qualities, because soon after he progressed up the so called ladder, to arrive at a "glorious elder".

    Have you come across this sort of thing?


  • aniron

    I remember a JW (18) young man years ago who decided he wanted to go to university. Horror!

    Elders had a go at, go Bethel etc etc.

    Fortunately he was supported by his non-JW parents. So off he went and studied Law.

    Returned to congregation I think he was 28-30, qualified solicitor etc.

    Within a year he went from publisher, Min Servant, Elder.

    This annoyed a couple in the cong. Those who had turned down University and set the example.

    They were pioneers but never even been a Min Servant.

    Yet this guy goes to University comes back and ends up Elder in about a year.

    It did not go down well with young ones and even some of the older ones.

  • Dismembered

    Yes, in my former congregation there's an "elder" there, along with his wife, who employs many young guys in the hall. Plus his mom and dad are the patriarch & matriarch of the place. He's got $$$ and status, he and his wife have all the influence they'll ever need. Not even Joehover could bring them down.


  • greendawn

    It may well be possible I don't know the story but most very rich dubs were elders in the ex congo and those around. Perhaps they were capable perhaps they got there through their wealth. The WTS is itself a business corporation like McDonalds, it's there for the money and it also serves spiritual fast food nothing really worthwhile. Its real culture is that of big business.


    It happens I'm sure but I still wouldn't call it the norm since there are some dillusional elders who still think its a spirit directed appointment. In other words the men that qualify must still go out in service on both Sat and Sun and go to all the meetings and have an "exemplary" family if he has one.

    Men mostly get "promoted" in the WT via kissing influnetial elders and CO's asses on a regular basis. With the CO I'm fairly certain that money is involved

  • nvrgnbk

    Send me a check and I'll let you know.

    I'll pm you my address. LOL!


  • OnTheWayOut
  • metatron

    A few years ago, the Society talked about "simony" and didn't elaborate. Money can buy golf games

    and expensive dinners for the Circuit Overseer. In India, buying positions became a real problem,

    as this sort of thing pops up in the 3rd world.


  • jaguarbass

    That's human nature, and since God is not directing the organization what else do you have.

    In my day in the organization, I never heard of that happening. But it deffinitely was a good old boy network.

  • Pahpa

    I know of two incidences where elderships were bought. And in both cases, the "brothers" had committed adultery and were disfellowshipped for a period of time. Both had successful jobs. And their largess to the C.O. helped their standing. It took a few years but they both became elders in the congregation, one of them the P.O.

    I always questioned the appointments since the scriptural qualifications said that an overseer should be "irreprehensible" and should have "a good reputatioin with outsiders." Everyone, inside and outside the congregation, knew the circumstances. And it was a joke in the small rural communities where these elders presided.

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