Does anybody know what the "special broadcast" to all the Kingdom Halls (canada) is about on march 22?
by hoser 27 Replies latest jw friends
Hail the Lumbersexual.
In Italy we have the visit at the branch by one of the governing body
in 3 May 2015 in jw stream connection.
Celine Dion having been publicly reproved when she's actually still a Regular Pioneer in good standing and wrote the lyrics to song number 60 in the new song book.
Now I know why the new songs suck!
Dismissing servant
It might be the Fred Franz shirt.
Maybe he was really stoned and high calculating the end time in 1975?
Dismissing servant - "Maybe he was really stoned and high calculating the end time in 1975? " Flag
Don't know about drugs, but I'm pretty sure dementia was at least starting to manifest itself by then.
By the 80s, he was well-known to wander around Bethel muttering to his shoes, and wearing outfits that Herb Tarleck would've thought were over-the-top.
"listen up you hosers! knock off the beer and donuts eh?"
I can see blue threads being handed out for putting above the fringed edges of everyone’s skirts and shirts at the next annual meeting. After all, not wearing a blue string above the fringed edge of your skirt or shirt is disgusting!