Misty, how the hell can you call that article false?
.... ;p
by ICBehindtheCurtain 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
Misty, how the hell can you call that article false?
.... ;p
LOL, smartass
happened to me a few times I can tell ya!
I just hope no one calls me a.. uh, lets see, how'd you put it...
brainwashed pro-Israeli Bible belt fucktards ready and waiting to defend the nation
'Cause I'm not!! brainwashed or pro-israeli or bible belt... maybe a fucktard, but none of that other stuff!!!!
Here in Europe, this was on the news. It`s not so wrong to raise a critical voice against Israel here...on the contrary. Sometimes it looks to be taking on a new form of anti-semittism here, this time from the socialist side. The fact is that the jews and the arabs are never going to stop hating eachother. The sooner they have a two-state-solution in place, the better.
The article is an emotional appeal, not journalism. Real journalism does not include unsourced accusations. Real journalism doesn't take one or two extraordinary experiences and paint them as the norm, extrapolating them out to apply to a broad base of people. Real journalism doesn't try to convince you; it gives you the facts, facts that can be checked, facts that are sourced, and lets you make up your own mind.
I am not saying that what the article describes is untrue, especially the quotes from specific people. But I am saying that taking it at face value is perilous for anyone who wants to employ their critical thinking skills.
Most of the american media is jewish owned. Most of them are proisrael. Their mantra is 'is it good for israel?' And so, stuff negative to israel is ditched, but scammy stuff like the the bone box of james, jesus' brother that reminds american christians of where the cradle of their belief is, get publicity. I guess that must be semitism. S
> scammy stuff like the the bone box of james, jesus' brother that
> reminds american christians of where the cradle of their belief is, get publicity.
I think you might have cause and effect mixed up. I'd say that because the cradle of American Christians' belief is in Israel, scammy stuff like the bone box of James, Jesus brother get publicity.
But nice appeal to "the evil Jews rule the world in a vast conspiracy." Was wondering who would start dragging out that basic tenet of the Nazi belief system.
Under believer Nice appeal to nazism. Why don't you check out the ownership and management of the basic american medias, instead? S
You're the one making the claim. You back it up with facts.
I can tell you one thing, though. American corporations are about one thing: profit. The whole American capitalist system is set up to ensure (and in fact require) that. Media companies produce and publish things that sell advertising or subscriptions. If you perceive a pro-Israel bias in the national media, it's because that is what people buy, not because the hook-nosed, sly, evil caricature you imagine pulling the world's strings is trying to enslave you.