I was always taught as a little child that to be mad at Jehovah and Jesus was like commiting Blaspemy. So I held all my anger up until now that I am out of the WTS and out of Christianity(Churches) and I am just furious at Jehovah and Jesus. I think they play many games with people that worship them. They want "robots" not people with a free will and a mind of their own. They want "Stepford believers".
Can a person be mad at "Jehovah and Jesus" and not be committing Blasphemy?
by booker-t 16 Replies latest jw friends
It's, only blasphemy if you belive in Jehoba and Jebus.
Frannie Banannie
Booker-t, it's the WTS that wants "Steppford believers." And it's perfectly alright to be mad at God or whoever, just (just in case).
Who are you?
I personally don't, but I have a very good friend that became legally blind at 18 (in a matter of months) and through the years (now 50) has had all sorts of physical and emotional struggles...and man does she get pissed at God every once in a while....then she settles back down. I used to think it was unhealthy because I didn't understand, but now I think it is actually healthy for some....as long as you don't stay permanently pissed off.
I was always taught as a little child that to be mad at Jehovah and Jesus was like commiting Blaspemy.
Growing up as a JW, I always heard about how anger was wrong. You're always supposed to 'wait on Jehovah'. You're supposed to 'turn the other cheek'. You're supposed to be yielding, treating others as superior to you. All these "Bible-based" ideas were meant to keep us young 'uns in line.
Don't get mad at Jehovah and Jesus. They'll get you at Armageddon!
Submit to the authority of your parents, for this is pleasing to the Lord.
Don't question elders, but give them double honor.
Don't question the organization, because they are leading us to 'eternal life'.
JUST HOLD IT ALL IN. BE A SHEEP. Then you'll be a good little Witness.
Yes! Most people say "why me?" all the time. I trying to think if Jonah didn't do something that God wanted him to do. Isn't that why he got swallowed by the whale? It's all mythology to me now.
Is there really a Jehober and jehuse? If there is I'm screwed.
If you have kids, or if you had them, if they got mad at you from time to time would you hold it against them?
I think not.
If you believe is God, know that he is not petty, and is much more understanding that you could ever be.
Can a person be mad at "Jehovah and Jesus" and not be committing Blasphemy?
It all depends which books you read!
No living person has ever conversed with either of these charachters, although the Bible informs us that are capable of conversing with humans.
The idea behind this thread is based on what has been gleaned from various books. Books are like words. They can be positive and enlightening or lead us into darkness.
I never read a book with the idea of believing what I am told. I just read and then ask what provable facts have been presented. When proof is offered belief is redundant. When proof is absent beware!
Doesn't the word blasphemy indicate a thing worthy of respect and veneration in the first place. if they turn out not to be worthy of this then how can it be blasphemy?
It says in my dictionary that blasphemy is "insulting, offending or villifying the Christian deity".
So therefore if i am simply stating fact in my opinion and that of many others ie "God you are well crap at this running the planet business - go away and leave it to someone who hasn't got a big ego problem" God may be offended and insulted but that was not my intention then is it blasphemy. I think its all in the motive!